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[strawbale] Fw: green week, brussels

Hello everybody on the list,
this is a request from Agnieszka Komoch from GEN Europe concerning a great
chance to advertise bale buildings - maybe one of you who are working
professionally is cabable and interested? I think it is a great chance that
we should make use of...
If you are interested, please contact Agnieszka directly: agni@gaia...
Silke Hagmaier.

----- Original Message -----
From: Agnieszka Komoch <agni@gaia...>
To: <achim.ecker@zegg...>; <silke@oekodorf7linden...>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 7:45 AM
Subject: green week, brussels

  Hi Achim and Silke

I am writing in english, as it is faster for me.

The EU invites us to participate in probably the biggest
environmantal NGO event in Europe (background info for Silke).

They have first asked me if we couldn´t "build an ecovillage" in the
nearby park. I have tried to explain that its not possible to do in a
week. Now they just absolutely want a smaller demonstration of some
kind of a natural building technique (mud, clay, straw). I am looking
for somebody who could do it over a week in a part in central
Brussels. All travel and material will be covered, maybe even a
Dates: 15-22 April 2002.

Please let me know of people who could do it (if you cannot do it yourself).
I think it would be important and could give the ecovillages a lot of
good publicity.

many hugs