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Re: [Strawbale] Concrete Base - foundations question??

Hi Joost,
it is part of my job, so i know some about the "E-smog", that is the way we call it in germany.
you can demagnetise iron, but it is complicatet and expensiv!
The iron is like a permant magnet, the magnetismen will be there for a very long time. it gets usaly magnetised during the production process or when you weld the iron.
It does shield off electro magnetic radiation, but this effect depends on the mesh width. And the way we use the steel in concrete it has no efect at all!!! It only keeps the very long waves out of the house. I just want to name the Schumann-Frequenz, it is about 8 Hz. If we talk about mobiles than it is totaly worthless! the waves are to small. the higher the frequence is that you want to shield off, the smaller the mesh width need to be.
The good results in reduction of EMF is because of the mass of the concrete.
But you dont need a lot of iron for a strawbale house, only in the foundations we use a lot of it.
i suppose:
minimize the iron
if you habe a problem.... demagnetise or keep distance

Hi Kurt,
what i know is that if a steel ship is moored for a long time (a year or so) in the same direction it gets magnetised in the same direction as the earth magnetic field. To let the compasses work well the ships then need to be demagnetised. So parallel i guess that the steel in concrete will also adapt to the local magnetic fields and over time, like a cameleon, have the same properties as the land beneath.
The good thing of steel is that it does shield off lots of electro magnetic radiation. so for that reason i might rather use some steel in my straw walls rather then to be afraid of magnetic disturbances. However i'm not very experienced with devining and i'm sure a sourcer can tell you more about this
Joost Brand

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Baubiologie & Umweltanalytik
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