[Strawbale] Fire tests 2011 - valid for the whole EU

catarina pinto catarinarpinto at gmail...
Sun Nov 13 15:04:11 CET 2011


Thanks to Czech team for the tests and sharing them.

I would like to know more about using this test as EU legislation. I am a
Portuguese architect and here we don´t have specific legislation. Our civil
engineer laboratory, wich regulates building materials in Portugal, doesn´t
list strawbales as a building material, they don´t say nothing about it.
So my question is if with this legislation I can legally work with
strawbale as a building material in Portugal? What should I argument and
report in the project documentation? Attach this documents, and others with
more tests?
What is the best proceedure, in this case?

Best Regards,
Catarina Pinto

2011/11/12 Jan Hollan <jhollan at amper....muni.cz>

> A successful Czech (hence, EU) test of fire resistance of a plastered
> strawbale wall has been done in June. Now the official protocols are
> available, too.
> As Jan Růžička announced on the ESBG in Bouzov already, a specimen of a
> loadbearing strawbale wall, a 3 m square 0.58 m thick has been subjected to
> a standard fire test in June 2011. The inner (heated) side has been
> earth-plastered (5 cm), the outer side had a lime plaster (3 cm). Bales had
> 77 kg/m3 originally and 93 kg/m3 when fixed in the specimen.  During the
> test, the load on the specimen had been 12 kN/m (so, like 360 kg on the
> whole specimen). The wall had endured for 144 min, test was stopped then
> due to the vertical deformation exceeding the allowed limit (this happend
> shortly after a large part of the earth plaster fell down).
> Another pair of specimens has been tested as well, one of them using
> strawbales as insulation (41 cm thick) in a wooden construction, earth
> plastered, loaded by 20 kN/m. This test had to be finished after 69 min due
> to a failure of the other specimen; the strawbale-filled one remained
> almost intact. So it had been declared to comply with requirements for at
> least 60 min.
> For a longer text on the issue, with some images and
> with all needed URLs, including those to the protocols, see
>  http://amper.ped.muni.cz/**jenik/straw/tests/**FiretestStrawCZ.pdf<http://amper.ped.muni.cz/jenik/straw/tests/FiretestStrawCZ.pdf>
> So, walls of such constructions, if not subject to larger loads than the
> tested ones, can be used in EU without any fire-related legal obstacles now!
> with best regards,
>  Jenik
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