[Strawbale] If you can, please share this post on your facebook..

Max Vittrup Jensen Max at PermaLot...
Mon Nov 7 07:42:33 CET 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Oliver Swann
Subject:  If you can, please share this post for your...

Oliver Swann posted in Natural
[image: If you can, please share this post for
Nov 7
If you can, please share this post for your friends to help PAKSBAB raise
$20,000 for straw bale homes in Pakistan. Your support is a simple YouTube
'Like' on their video. The girl below belongs to one of the lucky families
that now live in an earthquake safe straw bale home. Regards,
oliver at naturalhomes
Bale Homes for Pakistan<http://www.facebook.com/n/?l%2F4AQFeFtQdAQE5jSmIJj1ou5cCPHLJbN0xDCLTq4Pqm6-Evg%2Fnaturalhomes.org%2FHomesForPakistan&mid=5214&n_m=max%40permalot.org>
Pakistan Straw Bale and Appropriate Building (PAKSBAB) has entered
GISTech-I's Innovative Solutions...
View Post on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/n/?groups%2Fnaturalbuilding%2F10150351809935794%2F&mid=5214eb6G5af3963913a9G47f1daG96&bcode=vt03KPPT&n_m=max%40permalot.org>·
Email Settings<http://www.facebook.com/n/?groups%2Fnaturalbuilding%2F&view=notifications&mid=5214eb6G5af3963913a9G47f1daG96&bcode=vt03KPPT&n_m=max%40permalot.org>·
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