[Strawbale] Strawbale Digest, Vol 65, Issue 24

ESBG 11 esbgteam at gmail...
Sat Apr 23 13:55:40 CEST 2011

Ah, Rob Tom,

What an excellent opportunity for the Danish nationalistic pride (pooorly
hidden in 99% of us Danes), to point out that Lars Keller and Co. was 2
years ahead of the Kanuts and 12 years ahead of the Germ(an)s, as they made
a vaulted SB dormitory for a Danish school of organic farming back in
1999. Have a look here:

However Rob, it also gives me a chance to point out that Gernot Minke at
least have the courtesy to share his amazing SB knowledge with the SB
community at the SB conference within ESBG 2011...How about you?  ;o)

Max; ESBG host

> From: RT <Archilogic at yahoo...>
> To: "European strawbale building discussions" <strawbale at amper....muni.cz
> >
> Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 15:07:54 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Strawbale] loadbearing strawbale vaults
> On Wed, 20 Apr 2011 04:26:44 -0400, Gernot Minke <minke at asl...-kassel.de>
> wrote:
>  Dear All,
>> we are happy to tell you that we got the allowance to build the first
>> loadbearing strawbale vaults in Germany!
>> They will be erected during an international workshop from 29. Aug. to
>> 10.Sept. 2011 in Wangelin.
>> We are working in 4 groups of 6 people each and each group should have
>> persons from 6 diferent countries.
>> More details and application forms you will find on  www.gernotminke.de under "Aktuelles".
> Interesting that this announcement should be made almost exactly 10 years
> (+/- a couple of months) after the "official" completion of the vaulted
> SBH of the late Lou Harrison that was built by the Skillful Meany and his
> cronies in California.
> http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/IMKxTftfcpRcr0lS_JKhdxqQIBzpNGkb-6--OpWxrjOy6IdkpCZfDzIsULJtHVWwuHctAiR14sIKQ5UrqNb-/SB%20in%20the%20Mass%20Media%20Archives/Lou%20Harrison%20Vault.pdf
> or if the above link gets broken:
>   http://tinyurl.com/create.php
> If this trend continues, should we not expect to see a Code-approved
> vaulted SBH in the UK until 2022 ?(since we all know that the UK typically
> lags behind Germany in technical matters, despite whatever Mr. Bean tries to
> insinuate) ?
> --
> === * ===
> Rob Tom
> Kanata, Ontario, Canada
> < A r c h i L o g i c  at  Y a h o o  dot  C A >
> (manually winnow the chaff from my edress if you hit REPLY)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jan Hollan <jhollan at amper....muni.cz>
> To: strawbale at amper....muni.cz
> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 10:43:37 +0200 (CEST)
> Subject: Re: [Strawbale] loadbearing strawbale vaults
> (The large photo of the vault attached originally to the post is:
> http://amper.ped.muni.cz/jenik/sb/brian_waite/North_wall_of_studio.jpg
> yours, jenik)
> --------
> My vaulted strawbalehouse is nearing completion in the Lake District of
> the UK.
> Brian
> www.strawbalehouse.co.uk
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