[Paja] Encuentro Europeo
Mario Ubaldo Gonzalez Soto
Lun Jun 18 18:56:18 CEST 2007
>From: "Rikki Nitzkin" <rikkinitzkin , earthlink.net>
>Reply-To: paja , amper.ped.muni.cz
>To: <paja , amper.ped.muni.cz>
>Subject: [Paja] Encuentro Europeo
>Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 17:35:23 +0200
>Aquí os re-envío un recordatorio sobre el encuentro de la Red Europeo de
>Construcción con Paja.
>Está en inglés, pero la conferencia también…
>He asistido dos encuentro de este tipo y puedo decir que valen la pena.
>Aprendes mucho, y además es realmente inspirador estar rodeado de 100+
>personas que han construido con paja con éxito o se dedican a ello
>profesionalmente. Te dejas de sentirte el Bicho Raro por querer construir
>con paja…
>Maren Termens va a asistir el Encuentro en Representación de la Red de Paja
>y cuando vuelve nos informará de lo que aprendido.
>Salud y paz, Rikki Nitzkin
>Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 14:21:59 +0200
>From: Sissy Hein <sh , fasba.de>
>Subject: [Strawbale] Reminding: European Straw Bale Gathering
> Siebenlinden
>To: strawbale , amper.ped.muni.cz
>Message-ID: <4666A6E7.3050401 , fasba.de>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
>ESBG - European Straw Bale Gathering 2007
>Dear friends.
>As we informed you in January the Association for Straw Bale Construction
>in Germany (Fasba)) had the idea to continue the tradition of the European
>Straw Bale Gathering (ESBG), which was hold last in 2002 in Austria.
>We choosed the location of the eco-village Siebenlinden/Germany
>(www.7linden.de), which some of you may know already. It has three large
>straw bale houses and some smaller experimental constructions. This year a
>new big building will be errected, and a small load bearing cabin too.
>A workcamp will täke place from August 5.-9. This gives the opportunity to
>get to know the ecovillage and its different building techniques.
>The Gathering itself will take place from August 9. - 12.
>There would be time for presentation of activities from different
>for intensive technical interchange, lectures and thematic work groups as
>well as for open space meetings to have enough input and time to network
>between the participants. Perhaps there will be also impulses for following
>European activities.
>Additional straw bale construction sites in Germany will be announced in
>advance for people who might take the chance to visit interesting sites.
>We would appreciate very much, if all participating countries and groups
>would present an overview about their straw bale activities and their main
>emphasis of their work as well as their practical knowledge with
>construction materials, the handling of official permissions, tests and
>their results, good and bad practice and their conclusions as well as the
>outlook for future development.
>There will be space also for exhibitions and poster presentations of
>We have already initial postings from France, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, the
>UK, the USA and Afganistan....
>If you register before the 1. of July you will have a solid discount.
>The application sheet, the preliminary programm and a the explanation how
>get there is posted in English on the webside of fasba.de:
>Please give these informations into your circles and organisations, so that
>it may reach as many people as possible.
>A special flyer will be send around the next days.
>Best wishes and much success with your work!!
>Sissy Hein
>of the preparation team of the FASBA 2007-Dezember-20
>Sissy Hein
>Auf dem Schloss
>99438 Tonndorf
>0049 1577 3910141
>Rikki Nitzkin
>Aulás, Lleida (Spain)
>Auto-constructora y Educadora en Construcción con Balas de Paja y Revocos
>Co-ordinadora Red de Construcción con Balas de Paja
>(0034) 657 33 51 62
> <mailto:rikkinitzkin , earthlink.net> rikkinitzkin , earthlink.net (Personal)
> <mailto:casasdepaja , yahoo.es> casasdepaja , yahoo.es (Asuntos de la Red)
>http://www.casasdepaja.com (Red de Construcción con Balas de Paja)
>"Tenemos el Derecho y Responsabilidad de Crear el Mundo en que Queremos
>"We Have the Right and Responsability to Create the World we Want to Live
>Spanish strawbale building discussion list
>Lista de conversar sobre Construcción con Balas de Paja en Castellano
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>Manda todos los mensajes a:
>Paja , amper.ped.muni.cz
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