[Paja] Fw: GSBN:Project in Spain

Rikki Nitzkin rikkinitzkin en earthlink.net
Lun Sep 11 11:01:57 CEST 2006

HOla tod en s,

Este hombre está buscando un arquitecto que está interesado en diseñar un estudio de paja con tejado reciprocal en las alpujarras...si conoces a alguno interesado...

-----Forwarded Message-----
>From: Andrew Webb <design en thegreenwebb.com>
>Sent: Sep 8, 2006 1:20 PM
>To: GSBN <GSBN en lists.greenbuilder.com>
>Subject: GSBN:Project in Spain 
>Hi all,
>I've been approached to design an octagonal straw bale studio with
>reciprocal roof in Las Alpujarras, Andalucia, Spain.  As I've never been
>to Spain I'd prefer to pass it on to someone with local knowledge.  The
>client specifically wants an architect.  Is anyone here interested?  If
>so, contact me off list at andrew en thegreenwebb.com and I will pass your
>details on to the client.
>All the best,
>Andrew Webb
>For instructions on joining, leaving, or otherwise using the GSBN list, send email to GSBN en lists.greenbuilder.com with HELP in the SUBJECT line.  

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