[Paja]FW: strawbuilders in Spania
rikki nitzkin
Wed, 28 Jan 2004 11:11:22 +0000
----Original Message Follows----
From: <torvilAc2i...>
To: marenbegurAhotmail...
CC: rnitzkinAhotmail...
Subject: strawbuilders in Spania
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 13:12:02 +0100
Hi there in Spania
I hope you are confortable with reading english,
i dont know any spanish.
We are a couple looking for a place to build a strawbale house in S-Europe
How is it giong in Spania? Is it easy to get permission there?
Prices of land?
Do you know of a land with a reasonable price?
We are in Sicily now, but its hard to get the
answers you are looking for here, as
there is no strawhouses here, yet.
We are wondering to come to Spania, but only if we get a possitiv respons of
buildinperm... and so on.
We like Sicliy, but its a kind of kaos,,,
Grazie; Caio, Tor and Marte
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