Snímek 5274
| původní | zesvětlený | barevně kódovaný
a ještě s vloženou mřížkou s údaji:
(údaj uprostřed políček mřížky je medián surových hodnot
zelených pixelů, údaj dole je jas políčka
dělený jednou kandelou na metr čtvereční).
# Date/Time : 2006:02:26 20:19:28
# Resolution : 1280 x 960 in jpeg (1424x1076 in pgm/5274.pgm)
# Focal length : 19.2mm (35mm equivalent: 130mm)
# CCD width : 5.32mm
# Exposure time: 0.008 s (1/125)
# Aperture : f/3.2
# ISO equiv. : 200
# Selected image percentils L=(1.730*0.35*R+1.000*0.65*G+1.570*0.00*B)* 0.0542
# % R G1 G2 B readings R G B L / cd/m2
1 -70 -66 -67 -68 -6.57 -3.61 -5.79 -4.64
10 -35 -31 -32 -33 -3.28 -1.71 -2.81 -2.26
50 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
90 35 32 32 33 3.28 1.74 2.81 2.28
99 71 69 69 70 6.66 3.74 5.96 4.76
100 15869 15866 15866 15867 1.49E3 861 1.35E3 1.08E3
# flux from 0.0580*0.49 sr ( 7.57E-8 sr/4px) is 0.00258 lx ( 0.00565 lx tilewise);
# tilewise luminance 0.0816 cd/m2 with rel. SD 704 % (summing pixels below 15850 and with non-zero green: there is 49.1 % of them)
# Fuji Devignetting: 2 # dark frame dark/5276.pgm subtracted from all values
# Red average= 1.0 minimum= -154 maximum=15869 over 15850: 6 zero: 46.2 %
# GrUp average= 2.0 minimum= -153 maximum=15866 over 15850: 8 zero: 51.3 %
# GrDw average= 1.6 minimum= -147 maximum=15866 over 15850: 11 zero: 50.6 %
# Blue average= 0.9 minimum= -141 maximum=15867 over 15850: 3 zero: 48.5 %
End of results of "raw2lum" (version 1.22) with parameters:
-c fuji -fa -d dark/5276.pgm -nh -nt -i 5274.txt -t 118 -s71:76 pgm/5274.pgm
Just points with luminances over 40 and below 5.0E2 cd/m2.
In grid tiles, flux densities from these points and tiles are given.
# Date/Time : 2006:02:26 20:19:28
# Resolution : 1280 x 960 in jpeg (1424x1076 in pgm/5274.pgm)
# Focal length : 19.2mm (35mm equivalent: 130mm)
# CCD width : 5.32mm
# Exposure time: 0.008 s (1/125)
# Aperture : f/3.2
# ISO equiv. : 200
# Image percentils L=(1.730*0.35*R+1.000*0.65*G+1.570*0.00*B)* 0.0542
# % R G1 G2 B readings R G B L / cd/m2
1 -70 -66 -67 -68 -6.6 -3.6 -5.8 -4.64
10 -35 -31 -32 -33 -3.3 -1.7 -2.8 -2.26
50 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00
90 35 32 32 33 3.3 1.7 2.8 2.28
99 71 69 69 70 6.7 3.7 6.0 4.76
100 15869 15866 15866 15867 1.5E3 8.6E2 1.4E3 1.08E3
# flux from 8.71E-6 sr ( 7.57E-8 sr/4px) is 9.26E-4 lx (points with luminances over 40 and below 5.0E2 )
# Fuji Devignetting: 2 # dark frame dark/5276.pgm subtracted from all values
# Red average=1191.6 minimum= -114 maximum=15869 over 15850: 765997
# GrUp average=1888.0 minimum= -153 maximum=15866 over 15850: 765997
# GrDw average=1952.3 minimum= -122 maximum=15866 over 15850: 765997
# Blue average=1181.8 minimum= -141 maximum=15867 over 15850: 765997
End of results of "raw2lum" (version 1.19) with parameters:
-c fuji -ft -d dark/5276.pgm -sm100 -nh -L40 -U500 -i 5274.txt -e 5274.eps -n 5274.ppm -t 118 -s71:76 pgm/5274.pgm
Just points with luminances over 40 and below 60 cd/m2.
In grid tiles, flux densities from these points and tiles are given.
# Date/Time : 2006:02:26 20:19:28
# Resolution : 1280 x 960 in jpeg (1424x1076 in pgm/5274.pgm)
# Focal length : 19.2mm (35mm equivalent: 130mm)
# CCD width : 5.32mm
# Exposure time: 0.008 s (1/125)
# Aperture : f/3.2
# ISO equiv. : 200
# Selected image percentils L=(1.730*0.35*R+1.000*0.65*G+1.570*0.00*B)* 0.0542
# % R G1 G2 B readings R G B L / cd/m2
1 -70 -66 -67 -68 -6.57 -3.61 -5.79 -4.64
10 -35 -31 -32 -33 -3.28 -1.71 -2.81 -2.26
50 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
90 35 32 32 33 3.28 1.74 2.81 2.28
99 71 69 69 70 6.66 3.74 5.96 4.76
100 15869 15866 15866 15867 1.49E3 861 1.35E3 1.08E3
# flux from 4.62E-6 sr ( 7.57E-8 sr/4px) is 2.04E-4 lx (points with luminances over 40 and below 60 )
# Fuji Devignetting: 2 # dark frame dark/5276.pgm subtracted from all values
# Red average=1036.6 minimum= -114 maximum=15869 over 15850: 766042
# GrUp average=1455.5 minimum= -153 maximum=15866 over 15850: 766044
# GrDw average=1195.2 minimum= -122 maximum=15866 over 15850: 766047
# Blue average=1013.3 minimum= -141 maximum=15867 over 15850: 766039
End of results of "raw2lum" (version 1.21) with parameters:
-c fuji -ft -d dark/5276.pgm -sm100 -nh -L40 -U60 -i 5274.txt -e 5274.eps -n 5274.ppm -t 118 -s71:76 pgm/5274.pgm
Just points with luminances over 60 and below 5.0E2 cd/m2.
In grid tiles, flux densities from these points and tiles are given.
# Date/Time : 2006:02:26 20:19:28
# Resolution : 1280 x 960 in jpeg (1424x1076 in pgm/5274.pgm)
# Focal length : 19.2mm (35mm equivalent: 130mm)
# CCD width : 5.32mm
# Exposure time: 0.008 s (1/125)
# Aperture : f/3.2
# ISO equiv. : 200
# Selected image percentils L=(1.730*0.35*R+1.000*0.65*G+1.570*0.00*B)* 0.0542
# % R G1 G2 B readings R G B L / cd/m2
1 -70 -66 -67 -68 -6.57 -3.61 -5.79 -4.64
10 -35 -31 -32 -33 -3.28 -1.71 -2.81 -2.26
50 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
90 35 32 32 33 3.28 1.74 2.81 2.28
99 71 69 69 70 6.66 3.74 5.96 4.76
100 15869 15866 15866 15867 1.49E3 861 1.35E3 1.08E3
# flux from 4.09E-6 sr ( 7.57E-8 sr/4px) is 7.22E-4 lx (points with luminances over 60 and below 5.0E2 )
# Fuji Devignetting: 2 # dark frame dark/5276.pgm subtracted from all values
# Red average=2404.3 minimum= -114 maximum=15869 over 15850: 766049
# GrUp average=3613.8 minimum= -153 maximum=15866 over 15850: 766051
# GrDw average=3438.2 minimum= -122 maximum=15866 over 15850: 766054
# Blue average=2346.7 minimum= -141 maximum=15867 over 15850: 766046
End of results of "raw2lum" (version 1.21) with parameters:
-c fuji -ft -d dark/5276.pgm -sm100 -nh -L60 -U500 -i 5274.txt -e 5274.eps -n 5274.ppm -t 118 -s71:76 pgm/5274.pgm
Logaritmická škála jasů (jednotkou je kandela na metr čtvereční,
nazývaná též nit) – intenzity osvětlení sněhu v luxech dostanete
vynásobením jasu v nitech koeficientem 3,6. U intenzit osvětlení
lesní stěny je takový koeficient 20 až 40.