Illuminance plots of RRAY15

(as computed by ies2tab from that photometry file)

spacing 5 plot single luminaire plot
In the left half of the left plot, specific illuminance by a continuous row of luminaires spaced 5 heights is shown (right half is for a single luminaire). The right plot is for a single luminaire, unrotated.

illuminance scale

Values below the scale are illuminance / 1 lx. This is for (unrealistic) “unit” case that luminaires would have lamps producing 1 klm only, would be point-like and just 1 m over the terrain.

ies2tab text output:

# [MANUFAC]   Thorn - Les Andelys
# [TEST]      RRAY15 - 23154
# [LUMINAIRE] Riviera 1 - Aluminium Reflector - Flat Glass- Adjt=V1L5A
# [LUMCAT]    Riviera 1 AGP-(V1L5A)
# [DATE]      25/01/1996
# down given:   100.0%
# out given:    79.1%
# tilt:  0 
# [LAMP]      GE LU 70W /90/T/27
# Source file: ldt/RRAY15.LDT
# Luminaire flux =   791 raw, for the given bulb(s) it would be  4745 lm,
#                   79.1 % of the bulb flux
# between 75 and 90:  0.7 % of the luminaire flux
#  - this part causes just GLARE in case of road lighting and similar purposes
# 80deg and above:  max   7.4 cd / 1000 lm ,  0.3 % of the luminaire flux
# 90deg and above:  max   0.0 cd / 1000 lm ,  0.0 % of the luminaire flux
# CutOff Type: Full_CutOff    

# 62.5 deg to <67.5 deg:   max  1315 cd / 1000 lm,
# 67.5 deg to < 76  deg:   max   179 cd / 1000 lm,
# maximum spec. lum. intensity  1697 cd / 1000 lm

# The following table gives luminous intensities which would be produced
# using a hypothetic bulb giving a luminous flux of 1000 lm (i.e., cd/klm):

#  H:   0.0  15.0  30.0  40.0  45.0  50.0  55.0  60.0  65.0  70.0  75.0  80.0  85.0  90.0  95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 150.0 165.0 180.0
  0.0   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410   410
 10.0   371   357   349   355   359   364   369   375   375   375   376   377   379   380   370   359   349   338   328   318   305   292   280   269   249   244   250
 20.0   150   168   191   252   287   320   342   367   382   395   408   407   402   397   365   333   301   268   236   208   191   175   164   158   154   142   140
 30.0   102   108   124   141   160   189   235   278   311   340   359   375   371   360   318   272   217   180   164   153   146   140   135   130   118   113   109
 35.0  93.0  98.6   111   125   137   155   184   215   269   312   341   355   352   330   275   224   177   165   153   145   137   129   124   118   109   107   103
 40.0  81.0  88.3   104   119   127   136   157   201   261   324   365   390   398   374   291   213   171   157   147   136   128   122   114   108   104  99.5   101
 45.0  77.0  84.1  96.7   111   116   130   149   193   261   383   472   512   510   394   248   186   167   154   139   128   121   113   108   103  96.6  90.9  90.0
 47.5  70.5  81.0  95.9   108   116   127   149   187   311   449   558   635   627   456   261   187   166   150   134   127   117   107   105   102  91.7  86.1  84.5
 50.0  64.0  77.0  93.8   103   116   128   144   209   353   556   720   791   757   517   275   191   166   146   131   123   112   105   102  97.3  86.9  80.6  79.0
 52.5  58.5  71.9  91.8  98.1   111   126   144   220   429   721   896  1013   872   487   258   188   163   143   128   117   109   104  95.8  91.8  83.9  74.5  69.0
 55.0  53.0  66.0  90.9  96.2   105   118   142   213   532   910  1285  1319  1020   457   239   180   153   141   125   111   106  99.7  90.0  87.5  79.5  68.5  59.0
 57.5  46.0  60.0  90.7  93.0   100   109   132   215   546  1193  1697  1595  1229   445   216   164   147   133   119   108   100  95.3  86.9  82.8  72.5  58.9  43.5
 60.0  39.0  54.1  84.6  85.9  93.1   102   117   158   477  1324  1514  1661  1500   433   192   134   114   122   100   102  93.6  86.5  82.9  77.1  66.3  46.9  28.0
 62.5  31.5  46.6  75.3  77.9  81.1  92.4  92.7   124   276   792   955  1315  1080   271   130  96.3  70.9  83.4  63.1  80.2  68.6  69.5  76.4  67.6  60.0  33.5  18.0
 65.0  24.0  38.1  62.4  65.4  63.4  75.4  52.3  62.4   123   296   428   627   410   109  70.3  62.7  45.2  45.6  25.3  40.6  35.9  37.5  54.3  45.0  46.6  19.5   8.0
 67.5  20.0  30.8  48.1  44.4  38.5  44.4  26.7  20.8  36.2  64.6   162   157   179  69.0  45.7  41.3  33.8  24.6  16.5  16.3  13.6  13.5  16.7  24.6  28.7  13.5   6.0
 70.0  16.0  24.1  28.9  19.2  17.5  12.7  13.2  16.0  19.8  30.6  38.9  70.1  60.8  29.0  29.4  28.1  22.2  17.9  12.2   9.5   8.3   8.0  11.0  12.3  17.2  10.6   4.0
 72.5   9.0  15.9   7.2   8.4   6.3   7.7   9.1  10.7  11.3  15.9  21.8  22.1  24.1  21.0  19.2  18.4  15.9  10.9  10.6   6.9   7.2   8.1   8.9   7.0   7.4   7.3   5.0
 75.0   2.0   7.1   5.6   4.0   6.4   6.6   6.4   7.5   8.4   9.6  11.0  12.2  13.1  13.0  11.3  11.2   9.4   7.5   6.7   5.1   6.0   6.2   5.5   3.5   7.8   3.8   6.0
 77.5   3.0   4.1   5.0   5.6   6.4   6.5   6.9   5.4   6.5   7.8   6.2   9.0   7.9   8.0   7.8   6.3   5.2   5.5   4.6   4.7   4.1   4.1   4.1   4.3   7.5   3.8   4.0
 80.0   4.0   2.3   2.6   4.1   5.3   3.1   4.5   5.2   5.9   6.0   5.0   4.1   7.1   3.0   4.6   7.3   7.4   5.4   4.6   3.9   5.0   5.2   3.4   3.8   5.6   4.8   2.0
 82.5   2.0   2.8   2.1   1.3   3.1   3.4   4.0   2.1   4.1   4.5   4.2   4.0   3.7   2.5   4.4   5.7   5.6   4.3   4.3   2.7   4.3   3.9   4.6   2.9   4.3   3.2   4.0
 85.0   0.0   3.8   4.2   3.6   4.1   2.7   4.5   1.3   4.0   4.6   2.9   3.3   2.0   2.0   4.2   5.3   5.7   5.9   4.3   4.7   3.0   3.8   3.1   1.6   3.3   1.1   6.0
 87.5   1.5   3.9   4.1   3.5   4.9   1.4   0.8   2.9   1.7   2.9   2.3   4.4   3.6   2.5   5.6   3.6   5.4   3.8   3.7   1.0   5.6   4.7   2.8   1.0   2.5   1.9   5.0
 90.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0