Illuminance plots of RRA513

(as computed by ies2tab from that photometry file)

spacing 5 plot single luminaire plot
In the left half of the left plot, specific illuminance by a continuous row of luminaires spaced 5 heights is shown (right half is for a single luminaire). The right plot is for a single luminaire, unrotated.

illuminance scale

Values below the scale are illuminance / 1 lx. This is for (unrealistic) “unit” case that luminaires would have lamps producing 1 klm only, would be point-like and just 1 m over the terrain.

ies2tab text output:

# [MANUFAC]   Thorn - Les Andelys
# [TEST]      RRA513 - 23542
# [LUMINAIRE] Riviera 1 - Aluminium Reflector - Flat Glass- Adjt=V1L3A
# [LUMCAT]    Riviera 1 AGP-(V1L3A)
# [DATE]      15/02/1996
# down given:   100.0%
# out given:    72.3%
# tilt:  0 
# [LAMP]      GE LU 70W /XL/T
# Source file: ldt/RRA513.LDT
# Luminaire flux =   719 raw, for the given bulb(s) it would be  4676 lm,
#                   71.9 % of the bulb flux
# between 75 and 90:  0.7 % of the luminaire flux
#  - this part causes just GLARE in case of road lighting and similar purposes
# 80deg and above:  max   7.8 cd / 1000 lm ,  0.3 % of the luminaire flux
# 90deg and above:  max   0.0 cd / 1000 lm ,  0.0 % of the luminaire flux
# CutOff Type: Full_CutOff    

# 62.5 deg to <67.5 deg:   max  1181 cd / 1000 lm,
# 67.5 deg to < 76  deg:   max   361 cd / 1000 lm,
# maximum spec. lum. intensity  1701 cd / 1000 lm

# The following table gives luminous intensities which would be produced
# using a hypothetic bulb giving a luminous flux of 1000 lm (i.e., cd/klm):

#  H:   0.0  15.0  30.0  40.0  45.0  50.0  55.0  60.0  65.0  70.0  75.0  80.0  85.0  90.0  95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 150.0 165.0 180.0
  0.0   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256   256
 10.0   129   133   146   155   159   164   168   172   184   197   210   225   240   256   270   284   298   312   326   339   348   357   367   376   392   393   386
 20.0   108   108   110   116   121   125   128   132   146   164   181   209   241   274   300   325   348   362   376   388   385   383   382   374   354   307   316
 30.0  91.0  95.3  99.2   103   107   110   115   122   127   133   150   174   205   240   274   306   327   336   327   305   275   255   233   200   155   135   132
 35.0  85.0  86.3  94.7  99.3   102   104   106   110   117   127   140   171   205   241   282   309   323   307   281   246   204   164   143   132   110   109   107
 40.0  71.0  74.1  84.7  90.0  92.5  94.6  98.4   105   114   124   143   178   231   287   340   361   351   311   244   185   143   121   104  99.5  97.5   103  99.0
 45.0  66.0  67.1  75.1  84.1  84.8  91.5  97.0   106   116   132   158   226   324   407   454   444   401   317   223   149   106  98.4  92.2  87.0  84.0  91.0  98.0
 47.5  61.0  63.5  72.9  82.4  86.0  91.1  99.4   108   120   137   166   258   381   482   522   494   416   300   187   139   107  93.7  86.1  80.2  81.5  85.0  92.5
 50.0  56.0  59.9  69.7  78.8  87.9  94.0   102   110   123   141   178   283   436   557   591   551   446   282   166   125   103  90.3  80.7  78.9  76.7  80.1  87.0
 52.5  50.5  55.3  69.0  77.2  87.0  94.9   103   111   122   143   180   385   629   760   752   642   473   265   152   118   101  89.8  82.3  79.6  70.0  75.0  78.5
 55.0  45.0  50.1  68.5  76.2  85.4  94.7  98.4   109   118   142   219   528   838   963   917   745   492   239   142   113  99.2  91.8  83.9  75.1  65.0  69.3  70.0
 57.5  39.5  44.7  64.6  74.5  81.8  94.6  94.8   101   112   142   238   650  1164  1332  1194   867   450   197   135   108  95.4  90.3  79.3  70.6  60.9  62.2  60.5
 60.0  34.0  39.3  60.7  70.4  75.2  83.1  90.0  92.4   101   135   183   689  1491  1701  1472   962   374   146   114   102  92.3  83.7  75.3  70.1  57.9  54.8  51.0
 62.5  27.5  34.1  56.0  64.5  68.8  71.8  70.7  83.0  66.1  96.5   105   502  1054  1181  1119   819   276   110  78.0  95.5  80.7  75.3  74.6  68.1  54.2  47.1  39.0
 65.0  21.0  28.5  45.1  55.1  48.8  53.3  37.5  42.6  31.0  47.8  54.1   215   482   660   657   431   137  60.2  37.4  57.0  55.9  56.7  64.2  61.0  49.5  39.3  27.0
 67.5  14.5  20.5  31.1  32.1  14.7  28.7  17.0  12.8  17.2  19.7  32.9  92.3   227   361   346   169  58.3  27.5  19.2  27.5  24.9  28.9  38.4  40.0  45.0  27.9  18.5
 70.0   8.0  11.2  17.8   8.9   6.7   9.9   9.3  10.4  11.3  13.9  21.3  41.5  69.4  61.0   102  68.5  26.0  19.4  15.1  11.1  10.2   8.3  17.3  12.2  29.7  15.0  10.0
 72.5   4.5   7.2   4.8   6.1   4.1   5.1   6.6   6.6   9.3  10.0  14.0  16.9  24.8  39.0  32.6  22.5  18.4  13.0   9.7   9.0   7.5   7.1   6.7   8.3  10.6   9.7   6.0
 75.0   1.0   5.1   2.5   6.1   6.4   4.8   3.9   4.4   6.5   8.3   9.7  12.0  15.6  17.0  15.3  12.7  10.0   9.5   7.9   7.2   5.7   6.2   7.2   7.3   6.3   6.7   2.0
 77.5   2.5   3.3   1.7   3.6   4.0   5.4   5.1   5.1   5.2   6.3   4.8   6.1  10.8  10.5   9.1   8.2   5.1   6.1   6.1   4.0   6.1   4.8   4.1   3.2   3.5   4.0   3.5
 80.0   4.0   1.4   4.4   3.7   2.1   2.0   3.3   3.6   4.1   4.6   5.7   6.7   5.6   4.0   7.2   7.8   7.7   5.8   5.1   7.3   4.2   4.9   2.1   3.5   5.6   1.3   5.0
 82.5   2.5   2.3   4.4   5.4   5.4   3.4   2.8   4.4   4.3   3.7   4.8   5.1   3.8   3.5   4.8   4.7   2.6   3.5   4.6   2.8   3.3   4.0   5.4   5.7   5.0   2.8   3.0
 85.0   1.0   3.8   1.0   1.8   5.8   3.2   3.2   3.0   3.3   3.8   2.8   4.0   2.6   3.0   2.3   3.4   5.3   6.1   3.1   5.9   4.5   3.4   3.0   1.8   1.1   4.8   1.0
 87.5   0.5   4.4   2.1   1.7   5.6   2.2   1.1   2.9   3.8   3.0   3.0   4.3   2.4   4.5   3.7   4.5   6.3   4.1   5.2   1.9   1.5   3.0   1.8   0.3   0.0   2.5   3.0
 90.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0