Lines guide

for the drawing up of:
Communal plans of the Lighting system

in compliance with:
Law of the Lombardy Region n.17 of the 27/03/00
(supp. n.13 to the BURL of the 30/03/00)

and compatible with them it puts into effect them regional laws:
Law of the Veneto Region n.22 of the 27/06/97
Law of the Tuscany Region n.37 of the 21/03/00
Law of the Lazio Region n.13 of the 13/04/00

National coordination for the Protection of the Nocturnal Sky
You open them 2000


The recent introduction of regional laws that regolamentano the public and private external lighting system pushes the common ones to equip itself of lighting system plans that they define of the homogenous criteria of lighting system of the territory.

In particolar way Lombardic regional law n. 17 of the 27,03,2000 " URGENT MEASURES IN TOPIC OF ENERGETIC SAVING TO USE OF EXTERNAL LIGHTING SYSTEM and FIGHT To the LUMINOUS POLLUTION " (supp. N.13 to the BURL of the 30/03/00) (Appendix 1) to the art. 4, codicil 1, point to, specific: " the common ones are equipped, within three years from the date of entrance in vigor of the present law, of plans of the lighting system that discipline the new installations in agreement with the present law, detention remaining the dictation of which exactly d) and to article 6, codicil 1".

The situation that is introduced to the entrance in vigor of the aforesaid law more rather articulate and is confused, in how much not existing a true one and own national norm in lighting system matter the participations lead on the territory have been realize you without some programmatico attempt, with the only scope to satisfy the contingent requirements that of time in time are manifested on the territory.

To this it must be added that the greater part of the times the systems has been realizes to you without to consider the preesistenti situations overlapping confusedly and in not homogenous way systems with various and independent purposes and attempts completely.

The realization of a lighting system plan has the function to photograph the territorial situation let alone to organize and to optimize in organic way the public and private lighting system, in the full respect of the above-mentioned law. Prince places itself therefore like instrument in order to render it more effective and operating.

He ambles to you operated you of the Plans of public lighting system (P.i.p.) they are following:

2- Introduction to the lighting system plans

2.1 That what agrees for Plan of Public Lighting system

When it is spoken about Plan of Public Lighting system agrees a plan and a complex of destined technical dispositions to prescribed the participations of public and private lighting system. Such Slowly, it will second be realized the detailed lists and in the full respect of Lombardic regional law n. 17 of the 27,03,2000 and the eventual regional or national enforced norms (New Rule of the Road D.Lgs. 30 You open them 1992 n.285, norms for the new performance of National Energy Plan you read n.9-10 January 1991, European and national technical norms type CEI, DIN and UNI).

The disposition processed from such slowly has application on all the communal territory for the systems of future realization, while if such territories fall back in areas of protection of the regional astronomical observatories (second list it stilati from the Regional Committee), the lighting system plans must supply also to the programmed substitution and the adaptation of the already existing systems.

Ulterior necessity of those plans is also that one of the protection is diurnal that nocturnal of the territory and its image, favoring chosen that they value it.

The adoption of lighting system plans does not involve the burdens, the thoroughness and the complexity, demanded from the Plans Communal Regolators of lighting system and however they do not constitute limitation, but if necessary a guide, for the common ones that necessarily they must equip of in parallel with the City Plans of the Traffic (Art.36 codicil 1 and 2 of the Rule of the Road D.Lgs. 30 You open them 1992 n.285, 12/04/95 D.m. ordinary Supp. n.77 to the G.u. n.146 of the 24/06/95).

2,2 Requirements and motivations

  1. fight to the luminous pollution;
  2. energetic saving and economic programming;
  3. safeguard and protection of the atmosphere;
  4. emergency of the traffic, the persons and the territory;
  5. valorization of the city atmosphere, i historical and residential centers;
  6. improvement of the practicability.

2,3 Beneficiaries of the lighting system plans

2,4 Economic advantages

Since the normative new of law previews participations that protrarranno in the time and will modify the tipologia of the new installations and of the lighting system systems, the economic advantages that will derive some they will be remarkable in how much fruit of the combination of some determining factors: reduction of the dispersion of the intrusivo luminous flow in areas in which such flow it was not previewed arrived, control of the public lighting system and private avoiding useless and undesired it wastes, reduction of the luminous flows on roads in the nocturnal timetables and finally I use of systems equips you of lamps with the highest possible efficiency in relation to the state of the technology.

To increase the economic advantages beyond to an action lead on the lighting system equipment, it is necessary to preview a rationalization and standardization of the service systems (power lines, palificate, etc..) and to I use of systems to high technology with low operating costs and maintenance.

2,5 References normative to you and bibliography




3 - Slowly of Communal Public lighting system: Purpose

3,1 Luminous Pollution definition

Luminous pollution is defined every shape of irradiation of artificial light that is dispersed to outside of areas to which it functional it is dedicated and, in particolar way, if oriented to of over of the line of the horizon (27/03/00 Law RL n.17 - Appendix 1)

3,2 Purpose of the lighting system plans

    1. To reduce, on the territory, the luminous pollution and the energetic consumptions from it deriving,
    2. To increase to the street emergency for the reduction of the incidents, avoiding dazzles and distractions that can ingender dangers for the traffic and the pedestrians (in the respect of the Rule of the Road),
    3. To reduce crime and the actions of vandalismo that, from searches conduct in the United States, stretch to increase here where illuminates in disomogeneo way creating zones of penumbra in the immediate vicinities of areas sovrailluminate,
    4. To favor the serali and recreational activities in order to improve the quality of the life,
    5. To increase more rations them exploitation of the city spaces available,
    6. To improve the lighting system of the works architectonic and of their beauty, with the opportune chromatic choice (for es. the yellow - gold of the lamps to the sodio to high pressure particularly turns out adapted in the historical centers), of the intensities and the type of lighting system, avoiding useless and harmful dispersions of the light in the surrounding areas and towards the sky and without to create contrasts stucchevoli with the surrounding atmosphere (es. with a lighting system too much intense),
    7. To integrate the systems of lighting system with the atmosphere that encircles them, is diurnal that nocturnal,
    8. To realize systems to high efficiency, by means of I use it of illuminant bodies full cut-off, lamps to high rendering and by means of the control of the luminous flow, favoring the energetic saving,
    9. To optimize the burdens of management and relati you to the maintenance operations,
    10. Guardian, in the areas of protection of the astronomical observatories, the activity of scientific and divulgativa search,
    11. To conserve the ecological equilibriums is to the inside that to the outside of the city and extracity protect natural areas,
    12. Preservare the possibility for the population to enjoy the saddled sky, primary cultural patrimony.

3,3 Location of makes of study and development of the plan

Subdivision of the territory and location of homogenous areas

  1. it acclimatizes them
  2. historical
  3. urban planning

Verification of the apparatuses of lighting system and their distribution on the territory

Processing of a plan of integration and participation on the territory

Based on how much emerged from the subdivision in homogenous areas, and to the effective distribution, a precise plan that subdivides the communal territory second chosen is processed of way lighting system that the programming of the maintenance operations and of I reorder acclimatizes them happens second prescribed chosen technical.

Location of the opportunities

Tecnico/economica appraisal of the benefits of the execution of recovery and programmed maintenance operations.

4 - Slowly of Public lighting system: It ambles to you operated to you

4,1 Relief of the existing systems

The survey methodology must characterize following the characteristic essential things of the systems:

4,2 Subdivision of the Territory

The subdivision of you rritorio comunale, e le scelte tecniche da adottarsi, devono tenere conto delle seguenti realtà:

4.3 Aree Omogenee

Le aree omogenee possono in particolare essere suddivise dalle tipologie di strade individuate, dai piani urbani del traffico (se esistenti), dal codice della strada e delle normative tecniche europee, o come segue, in base a criteri puramente di buon senso:

La scelta dell’illuminazione deve innanzitutto tenere conto delle indicazioni tecniche della Legge Regionale Lombarda n.17 del 27.03.00.

4.4 Stesura del piano d’illuminazione

Analisi situazione preesistente

  1. Individuazione della rete viaria esistente (urbana, extraurbana, pedonale, etc..)
  2. suddivisione e classificazione delle vie sulla base del codice della strada ed alle indicazioni delle normative tecniche europee (Appendice 2).

Scelte tecniche - Illuminotecniche

  1. Individuazione dei parametri illuminotecnici caratteristici (luminanze e illuminamenti, uniformità, abbagliamento) in base alla classificazione delle strade (Appendice 2).
  2. Scelta delle caratteristiche delle lampade da adottarsi in ciascun contesto urbano ed extraurbano (Appendice 2).

Scelte tecniche – Impiantistiche: Per nuovi impianti o per l’adeguamento di quelli vecchi

  1. Gradi di protezione (IP) e Classe di isolamento (I o II),
  2. Geometria e tipologia degli impianti (pali, sospensioni, mensole, a parete, torri faro, etc..),
  3. Scelte per la protezione elettrica degli impianti, prevedendo eventuali circuiti ridondanti per la sicurezza degli impianti, e ridurre i rischi di improvvisi oscuramenti della rete,
  4. Posa delle linee elettriche (aeree, sotterranee),
  5. Miglioramento del rendimento illuminotecnico globale (rapporto fra flusso utile e potenza installata),
  6. Inserimento in linea di regolatori per il controllo del flusso luminoso emesso, e la variazione secondo specifiche curve di calibratura,
  7. Prevedere sistemi elettronici diagnostici per ridurre la manutenzione degli impianti e migliorare i servizi.

Scelte progettuali

  1. Scelte progettuali ed operative per aree omogenee (Appendice 2),
  2. Scelte progettuali per le applicazioni particolari (Appendice 2):
  1. Ottimizzazione:

Adozione di criteri anti inquinamento luminoso (Appendice 1).

  1. Predisposizione di particolari scelte illuminotecniche prioritarie in corrispondenza di quelle aree a rischio (generalmente molto limitate) che richiedono maggiori attenzioni fra le quali:



Se il comune si è dotato di Piano Urbano del Traffico come previsto dai D.M. che individuano le liste regionali dei comuni che devono dotarsene, il piani d’illuminazione si presentano nella versione più completa di Piani Regolatori dell’Illuminazione direttamente subordinati ai PUT in quanto a classificazione e complementari in quanto a finalità.

La documentazione che generalmente costituisce il corpo di un piano regolatore standard può essere cosi sintetizzata:

Elaborati Grafici


Nei casi in cui non sia richiesto il PUT, ed il comune è di piccole dimensioni, tali strumenti possono semplificarsi notevolmente in quanto a obiettivi, finalità e documentazione.




CieloBuio - Coordinamento per la Protezione del Cielo Notturno