# With a minimum of 11 parameters # this script makes a sorted overview of the best performing photometries # to illuminate the rectangle, if arranged in a continuous row # $12 and further 3 parameters are appended to the ies2tab command line; # -h# to get the true illuminance (with that height and file-included # bulb flux) might be a good option. # To achieve this, the script tries four rotations (0, 90, 180, 360 degrees) # and then uses a such one, which performs the best. # (by Jan Hollan, using his ies2tab programme, Oct 2007) D='ldt' P='Easy Light - Save the Sky' if [[ ${11} = '' ]] then echo 'At least 11 parameters are needed: 1: xmin (of a rectangle whose illuminance will be computed) 2: xmax 3: ymin 4: ymax 5: relative spacing (neighbouring poles distance / pole height), usually should be set equal to xmax-xmin (if larger than that, the computed useful fraction may be over 100 %) 6: useful fraction (proportion of the flux of the row of luminaires hitting the rectangle), at least 7: range of allowed maximum (/ 1 lx) (specific) illuminance within that rectangle, as #:# 8: range of average illuminance as #:# 9: range of minimum illuminance (/ 1 lx) there, as #:# 10: maximal allowed ratio average/minimum 11: specific luminous intensity (/ cd/klm) at >=80_degrees, at most (ev. further, non-obligatory parameters are simply included in ies2tab command line before the file name).' exit fi UFmi=$6 MaB=${7/:*}; MaT=${7/*:} AvB=${8/:*}; AvT=${8/*:} MiB=${9/:*}; MiT=${9/*:} RaMa=${10} SIma=${11} if (( `calc -d "($1 < $2)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($3 < $4)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($1 > -6.1)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($1 < 6.1)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($2 > -6.1)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($2 < 6.1)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($3 > -6.1)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($3 < 6.1)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($4 > -6.1)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($4 < 6.1)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "(15 > $5)"` )) && (( `calc -d "(0.5 < $5)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($MaB < $MaT)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($AvB < $AvT)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($MiB < $MiT)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "(100 > $UFmi)"` )) && (( `calc -d "(0.1 < $UFmi)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "(100 > $RaMa)"` )) && (( `calc -d "(1 < $RaMa)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "(100000 > $SIma)"` )) && (( `calc -d "(0.1 < $SIma)"` )) then echo 'OK' else echo 'Some parameter is outside acceptable limits, try once more...' exit fi TRUH=`echo $@ | sed -nr "s/.* -h([0-9.]+\.*[0-9]*).*/\1/p"` if [[ $TRUH ]] then N=${1}_${2}_${3}_${4}c$5 TRUH="(for $TRUH m lamp height)" else N=${1}_${2}_${3}_${4}c$5h$TRUH TRUH='(specific -- for 1 m height and 1 klm bulb flux)' fi if [ ! -d r$N ] then mkdir r$N fi shopt -s nullglob for H in $D/*.ldt $D/*.LDT $D/*.ies $D/*.IES $D/*.eld $D/*.ELD do # G is the file name without the directory (ldt assumed as a default) G=${H/$D\/} # E is the suffix E=${G/*\.} # F is the file name without directory and suffix F=${G/\.$E} #echo $F R="-co -u$1:$2:$3:$4 -rh$5 ${12} ${13} ${14} ${15}" # $5 is relative spacing of the poles I="-l -mi $R" if [[ $E != 'IES' ]] then if [[ $E != 'ies' ]] then L="-e" I="$I -e" fi fi ies2tab $I $H >012.txt NONS=`grep NONSENSE 012.txt` if [[ $NONS = '' ]] then MSI=`sed -rn 's/(([^ ]+ +){2})([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\3/p' 012.txt` # skipping those with too large lum. int. at >=80 degrees if (( `calc -d "($MSI < $SIma)"` )) then ies2tab $I -rv90 $H >>012.txt ies2tab $I -rv180 $H >>012.txt ies2tab $I -rv270 $H >>012.txt sed -rn "/^.+$/{ s|$D/|| s/\.$E//p}" 012.txt | grep -n . | sort -k 13 -r >012sM.txt # sorting is on UF, as the minimum illuminance might be 0.#, too insensitive head -n1 012sM.txt >012.txt RON=`head -n1 012sM.txt | sed -nr "s/^(.).*/\1/p"` ROT=`calc -d "(90*($RON-1))" | sed -r 's/[[:blank:]]*//g'` # for the found optimal rotation, a plot is created: ies2tab $I -rv$ROT -n$F -cm3 $H >012.txt # convert $F.ppm r$N/$F.png UF=`sed -rn 's/(([^ ]+ +){11})([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\3/p' 012.txt` MAX=`sed -rn 's/(([^ ]+ +){12})([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\3/p' 012.txt` AVE=`sed -rn 's/(([^ ]+ +){13})([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\3/p' 012.txt` MIN=`sed -rn 's/(([^ ]+ +){14})([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\3/p' 012.txt` RAT=`sed -rn 's/(([^ ]+ +){15})([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\3/p' 012.txt` # echo $UFmi $MaB:$MaT $AvB:$AvT $MiB:$MiT $RaMa $SIma # echo $UF $MAX $AVE $MIN $RAT $MSI # cat 012.txt if \ (( `calc -d "($MIN > $MiB)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($MIN < $MiT)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($MAX > $MaB)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($MAX < $MaT)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($AVE > $AvB)"` )) && (( `calc -d "($AVE < $AvT)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($UF > $UFmi)"` )) \ && (( `calc -d "($RAT < $RaMa)"` )) then ies2tab $I -rv$ROT -n$F $H >012.txt sed -rn "/^.+$/{ s/^/$RON: / s|$D/|| s/\.$E//p}" 012.txt >>r${N}_min.txt # echo $UF $MAX $AVE $MIN $RAT $MSI # cat 012.txt if [ ! -f r$N/$F.png ] then convert $F.ppm r$N/$F.png fi rm $F.ppm else rm $F.ppm fi fi else cat 012.txt >>over100p.txt fi done rm 012.txt if [[ ${12} ]] then OPARM="Non-obligatory parameters to ies2tab were: ${12} ${13} ${14} ${15}" fi echo " Luminaires are sorted according to decreasing minimum illuminance they provide within a rectangle of $1:$2:$3:$4 pole heights. The row of luminaires obeys the following limits: $5 as relative spacing (neighbouring poles distance / pole height) $6 as useful fraction / 1 % (proportion of the flux of the row of luminaires hitting the rectangle), at least $7 as maximum $TRUH illuminance (/ 1 lx) allowed range within that rectangle $8 as minimum $TRUH illuminance (/ 1 lx) range $9 as average $TRUH illuminance (/ 1 lx) range ${10} as maximal allowed ratio average/minimum ${11} specific luminous intensity (/ cd/klm) at >=80_degrees, at most. Command line (-rv# had # in 0, 90, 180, 270 to maximize minimum illuminance) to produce the inside of each line within this overview: ies2tab $I -rv# -n $OPARM Ev. rotation of the luminaire needed to maximize this value is indicated by the 1st column larger than 1: -- 2: 90, 3: 180 and 4: 270 degrees " >r${N}_Smin.txt ies2tab -c $I -n | sed "s/^/ /" >>r${N}_Smin.txt #sed -r 's/([0-9.]+ +[0-9.]+ +[0-9.]+ +[0-9.]+ +).+Full_CutOff +([^ ]+) +(.+)/\3 \1\2/ # s/ / /g ' fco.txt >ron.txt sort -k 17 r${N}_min.txt >>r${N}_Smin.txt mv r${N}_Smin.txt r${N}_min.txt for FI in r${N}_min.txt do echo '
' >${FI/txt/htm}
 sed -r "
s/^([[:blank:]]*)#  //
s/^([[:blank:]]*FiOut)/        \1/
s/^([[:blank:]]*%  )/          \1/
s|(.+) ([^ ]+)$|\"img\" \1\2|
} " $FI >>${FI/txt/htm}
 echo '
' >>${FI/txt/htm} done