Illuminance plots of Fusion_FU2-3EA_1_MD_150_14200_4200_RX7S

(as computed by ies2tab from that IES photometry file)

spacing 5 plot single luminaire plot
In the left half of the left plot, specific illuminance by a continuous row of luminaires spaced 5 heights is shown (right half is for a single luminaire). The right plot is for a single luminaire, unrotated.

illuminance scale

Values below the scale are illuminance / 1 lx. This is for (unrealistic) “unit” case that luminaires would have lamps producing 1 klm only, would be point-like and just 1 m over the terrain.

ies2tab text output:

# [TEST]      FU15I41S.LDT
# [LUMCAT]    Fusion 
# [DATE]      20/11/2012/2008
# down given: 99%
# out given: 65.0%
# tilt:  0.0
# [LAMP]      1 MD 150 14200 4200 RX7s
# Bulbs: 1,  14200 lm each
# Source file: Fusion_FU2-3EA_1_MD_150_14200_4200_RX7S.ldt
# Luminaire flux =   650 raw, for the given bulb(s) it would be  9229 lm,
#                   65.0 % of the bulb flux
# between 75 and 90:  4.4 % of the luminaire flux
#  - this part causes just GLARE in case of road lighting and similar purposes
# 80deg and above:  max  73.2 cd / 1000 lm ,  2.7 % of the luminaire flux
# 90deg and above:  max   4.5 cd / 1000 lm ,  1.1 % of the luminaire flux
# CutOff Type: IES_CutOff     

#  Increase of Sky Luminance due to light going
#    from the luminaire difectly above horizon, as compared with the
#    luminance produced by the light dispersed from the ground:  19 %
#  Increase of Sky Luminance in Distant Places by light below 15.0 degrees
#    due to light going from the luminaire directly above horizon:  56 %
#  (for the zenith luminance such an angle suits places up to  19 km distance)
#   The increases concern the following situation:
#    Albedo = 0.10
#    Zenith Extinction = 0.30 mag (i.e., direct light remaining  76 %)
#    Indicatrix type =0 (0: acc. to P.Cinzano, 4..6: CIE sky types)
#   (the downward-scattered part of lambertian uplight is 0.1108 then)

# 62.5 deg to <67.5 deg:   max   645 cd / 1000 lm,
# 67.5 deg to < 76  deg:   max   447 cd / 1000 lm,
# maximum spec. lum. intensity   888 cd / 1000 lm

# The following table gives luminous intensities which would be produced
# using a hypothetic bulb giving a luminous flux of 1000 lm (i.e., cd/klm):

#  H:   0.0  15.0  30.0  45.0  60.0  75.0  90.0 105.0 120.0 135.0 150.0 165.0 180.0 195.0 210.0 225.0 240.0 255.0 270.0 285.0 300.0 315.0 330.0 345.0
  0.0  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8  49.8
  2.5  48.7  56.5  68.0  78.0  84.3  88.2  87.8  88.2  84.3  78.0  68.0  56.5  48.7  44.8  43.6  42.2  41.3  41.7  41.9  41.7  41.3  42.2  43.6  44.8
  5.0  47.5  63.3  86.2   106   119   127   126   127   119   106  86.2  63.3  47.5  39.8  37.4  34.6  32.8  33.5  34.1  33.5  32.8  34.6  37.4  39.8
  7.5  47.3  76.5   108   125   137   145   146   145   137   125   108  76.5  47.3  38.0  34.7  31.7  28.5  28.5  30.0  28.5  28.5  31.7  34.7  38.0
 10.0  47.1  89.7   130   144   156   164   166   164   156   144   130  89.7  47.1  36.3  31.9  28.8  24.3  23.6  25.9  23.6  24.3  28.8  31.9  36.3
 12.5  42.8  98.6   139   153   162   168   167   168   162   153   139  98.6  42.8  30.4  26.5  24.8  21.8  20.9  23.7  20.9  21.8  24.8  26.5  30.4
 15.0  38.6   108   148   162   168   172   168   172   168   162   148   108  38.6  24.5  21.1  20.7  19.3  18.1  21.5  18.1  19.3  20.7  21.1  24.5
 17.5  36.2   110   148   166   179   185   181   185   179   166   148   110  36.2  22.0  18.5  17.9  17.5  16.2  17.1  16.2  17.5  17.9  18.5  22.0
 20.0  33.8   112   147   170   190   198   195   198   190   170   147   112  33.8  19.6  15.8  15.0  15.6  14.3  12.7  14.3  15.6  15.0  15.8  19.6
 22.5  33.3   114   145   172   218   241   228   241   218   172   145   114  33.3  18.2  12.9  12.1  11.7  11.1  10.1  11.1  11.7  12.1  12.9  18.2
 25.0  32.9   116   142   174   247   284   262   284   247   174   142   116  32.9  16.7   9.9   9.1   7.8   7.9   7.5   7.9   7.8   9.1   9.9  16.7
 27.5  33.3   126   149   183   268   335   352   335   268   183   149   126  33.3  14.1   9.1   7.6   6.9   8.4   8.2   8.4   6.9   7.6   9.1  14.1
 30.0  33.8   136   157   192   289   387   443   387   289   192   157   136  33.8  11.5   8.4   6.1   6.1   8.9   8.9   8.9   6.1   6.1   8.4  11.5
 32.5  32.8   143   168   198   336   423   485   423   336   198   168   143  32.8  11.3   7.5   5.5   6.1   9.2   9.6   9.2   6.1   5.5   7.5  11.3
 35.0  31.8   150   178   205   383   460   527   460   383   205   178   150  31.8  11.0   6.6   4.9   6.2   9.5  10.4   9.5   6.2   4.9   6.6  11.0
 37.5  27.9   145   179   233   439   517   557   517   439   233   179   145  27.9   9.1   5.5   5.4   6.6  10.5  10.9  10.5   6.6   5.4   5.5   9.1
 40.0  24.0   140   180   262   495   574   588   574   495   262   180   140  24.0   7.3   4.4   5.8   6.9  11.5  11.5  11.5   6.9   5.8   4.4   7.3
 42.5  22.2   134   177   293   505   616   606   616   505   293   177   134  22.2   5.8   3.9   6.2   7.6  15.1  13.1  15.1   7.6   6.2   3.9   5.8
 45.0  20.4   129   174   325   516   658   624   658   516   325   174   129  20.4   4.2   3.4   6.6   8.4  18.6  14.8  18.6   8.4   6.6   3.4   4.2
 47.5  15.2   108   168   312   550   721   637   721   550   312   168   108  15.2   3.7   3.2   6.7   8.4  16.1  13.2  16.1   8.4   6.7   3.2   3.7
 50.0  10.0  87.8   161   299   583   784   649   784   583   299   161  87.8  10.0   3.2   3.0   6.8   8.4  13.6  11.6  13.6   8.4   6.8   3.0   3.2
 52.5   7.8  58.2   132   289   541   836   716   836   541   289   132  58.2   7.8   3.0   2.8   7.1   8.8  16.0  13.6  16.0   8.8   7.1   2.8   3.0
 55.0   5.7  28.5   102   278   499   888   783   888   499   278   102  28.5   5.7   2.8   2.7   7.3   9.1  18.4  15.7  18.4   9.1   7.3   2.7   2.8
 57.5   4.8  22.0  84.6   255   442   831   710   831   442   255  84.6  22.0   4.8   2.5   2.8   7.7  10.0  23.6  23.5  23.6  10.0   7.7   2.8   2.5
 60.0   3.8  15.4  67.1   232   384   774   638   774   384   232  67.1  15.4   3.8   2.3   2.8   8.1  10.9  28.9  31.3  28.9  10.9   8.1   2.8   2.3
 62.5   3.2  11.5  58.4   198   348   645   535   645   348   198  58.4  11.5   3.2   2.3   3.0   8.6  11.0  29.4  34.0  29.4  11.0   8.6   3.0   2.3
 65.0   2.6   7.6  49.8   165   312   516   433   516   312   165  49.8   7.6   2.6   2.3   3.2   9.2  11.1  29.9  36.8  29.9  11.1   9.2   3.2   2.3
 67.5   2.2   5.1  34.2   147   232   447   367   447   232   147  34.2   5.1   2.2   2.3   3.3   8.6  16.0  39.0  41.3  39.0  16.0   8.6   3.3   2.3
 70.0   1.8   2.5  18.5   129   152   377   301   377   152   129  18.5   2.5   1.8   2.2   3.4   8.1  21.0  48.1  45.9  48.1  21.0   8.1   3.4   2.2
 72.5   1.5   2.0  14.2   107   130   264   216   264   130   107  14.2   2.0   1.5   2.0   3.5   7.8  18.1  42.2  41.3  42.2  18.1   7.8   3.5   2.0
 75.0   1.3   1.5   9.9  85.8   108   150   131   150   108  85.8   9.9   1.5   1.3   1.8   3.5   7.5  15.3  36.2  36.7  36.2  15.3   7.5   3.5   1.8
 77.5   1.1   1.2   6.1  59.1  81.6   112  78.8   112  81.6  59.1   6.1   1.2   1.1   1.5   3.0   7.6  25.2  42.0  43.2  42.0  25.2   7.6   3.0   1.5
 80.0   0.9   0.9   2.4  32.3  55.2  73.2  26.8  73.2  55.2  32.3   2.4   0.9   0.9   1.3   2.5   7.6  35.1  47.8  49.6  47.8  35.1   7.6   2.5   1.3
 82.5   0.7   0.7   1.6  17.9  30.5  47.3  25.5  47.3  30.5  17.9   1.6   0.7   0.7   1.0   2.0   5.3  20.3  30.3  31.5  30.3  20.3   5.3   2.0   1.0
 85.0   0.5   0.5   0.7   3.6   5.8  21.5  24.1  21.5   5.8   3.6   0.7   0.5   0.5   0.8   1.4   2.9   5.6  12.9  13.4  12.9   5.6   2.9   1.4   0.8
 87.5   0.4   0.4   0.5   1.9   3.1  10.9  12.3  10.9   3.1   1.9   0.5   0.4   0.4   0.7   1.3   2.5   4.4   8.5   8.9   8.5   4.4   2.5   1.3   0.7
 90.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
 92.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
 95.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
 97.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
100.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
102.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
105.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
107.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
110.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
112.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
115.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
117.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
120.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
122.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
125.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
127.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
130.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
132.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
135.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.1   2.0   3.2   4.1   4.5   4.1   3.2   2.0   1.1   0.6
137.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.6   1.0   1.9   3.0   3.8   4.3   3.8   3.0   1.9   1.0   0.6
140.0   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.5   1.0   1.8   2.8   3.6   4.0   3.6   2.8   1.8   1.0   0.5
142.5   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.4   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.5   0.9   1.7   2.7   3.4   3.8   3.4   2.7   1.7   0.9   0.5
145.0   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.5   0.9   1.6   2.5   3.2   3.5   3.2   2.5   1.6   0.9   0.5
147.5   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.4   0.8   1.5   2.3   3.0   3.3   3.0   2.3   1.5   0.8   0.4
150.0   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.4   0.7   1.3   2.1   2.7   3.0   2.7   2.1   1.3   0.7   0.4
152.5   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.4   0.6   1.2   1.9   2.5   2.8   2.5   1.9   1.2   0.6   0.4
155.0   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.6   1.1   1.8   2.3   2.5   2.3   1.8   1.1   0.6   0.3
157.5   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.3   0.6   1.0   1.6   2.0   2.3   2.0   1.6   1.0   0.6   0.3
160.0   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.3   0.5   0.9   1.4   1.8   2.0   1.8   1.4   0.9   0.5   0.3
162.5   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.2   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.3   0.4   0.8   1.3   1.6   1.8   1.6   1.3   0.8   0.4   0.3
165.0   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.4   0.7   1.1   1.4   1.5   1.4   1.1   0.7   0.4   0.2
167.5   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.3   0.6   0.9   1.1   1.3   1.1   0.9   0.6   0.3   0.2
170.0   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.4   0.7   0.9   1.0   0.9   0.7   0.4   0.2   0.1
172.5   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.3   0.6   0.7   0.8   0.7   0.6   0.3   0.2   0.1
175.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.4   0.5   0.5   0.5   0.4   0.2   0.1   0.1
177.5   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.1   0.1   0.1   0.2   0.3   0.3   0.3   0.2   0.1   0.1   0.1
180.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0