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Fw: [strawbale] gathering 2002

Title: gathering 2002
Well, I forgot to put it in english. I would prefer 1. Austria, 2. Germany, because I´m Austrian...
We want to begin in the spring with a SB- studio/retreat for me (I´m a fiber art artist and we have an organic farm in a gorgeous landscape near to the Prealps), about 42m2 big. We haven´t got any experience but the "mental" one you get out of books. My husband built our brick house, he has a normal building experience (a very good one, this will help). Of course, we would like to offer this as a workshop possibility in Austria next spring and have some experienced builders too. Who must I contact?
Best wishes,
Sara and Johann Lechner
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [strawbale] gathering 2002

Als Österreicherin bin ich selbstverständlich einverstanden, meine Wahl ist 1. Austria, 2. Deutschland.
Wir wollen selber mit einem SB-Haus, ca. 42m2 groß, als Studio und Retreat für mich, im Frühjahr anfangen, und sind aber selber noch nicht in einem Workshop gewesen, wir haben nur Literatur und diese Liste! Wir würden gerne diesen Bau als Workshop in Österreich anbieten, wenn es sich machen lässt. Mit wem muss ich mich da in Verbindung setzen?
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Sara und Johann Lechner
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 9:33 AM
Subject: [strawbale] gathering 2002

dear strawbalers in europe

couldn´t we do it the democratic way?
there was a gathering in France 1998 (founding of ESBN),
Denmark 1999,
England 2000,
and a non existing one in Slovenia in 2001.

on the other hand there are active strawbale-networks (and a lot of strawbale-houses to visit) in
the netherlands
czech rep
england, ireland, wales
belarus (russia)

next step: which of these countries/networks wants to make a gathering?
france (we heard it from andre)
the netherlands (we heard it from martin)
austria (we heard it from herbert & astrid)
some more?

last step: when we have all the networks, that want to make a gathering in the future, we are able to make an election: each member of ESBN = everyone on strawbale-l@eyfa... elects 3 countries (3,2,1 points) he/she is interested to visit in the next years. the country with the most points is invited to make a gathering next year, the second one in two years and then there should be a new election (for example).

this would guarantee a welldone planning and interesting gatherings for the future. option: two or more networks work together to make a gathering in one of the countries. but the "democratic" way would be the same...

what do you say, wouldn´t it be a solution for our blocked situation?

best wishes from austria
asbn austrian strawbale network
herbert & astrid gruber
email: asbn@aon...