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Re: [strawbale] Number of Strawbale Houses per country?

Hello Hannes,

In Romania in 1998 there was one strawbale 'extension' made (as a
workshop by Harald) - a first floor of straw added on top of an already
existing stone ground floor. So I guess you could count this as a half

Then in summer 99 we built a 45m2 house.

As far as I know they are the only two there, although of course many
people's houses in the countryside are made from straw and mud.

The climate in Romania is very hot in summer (up to 40 degrees) and very
cold in winter (down to -20 or more...). Our house survived a very heavy
winter without even being plastered!


 --- Hannes Hohensinner <hohensin@mail....tuwien.ac.at> wrote: 

> Dear Strawbale Builders,
> Each Strawbale builder knows, that strawbale building works throughout
> the whole world and is not restricted to any special climate. To spread
> this massage among the public we want to show that there are many
> strawbale
> houses in countires with dry climates and also in countries with cold,
> wet or hot climates.
> Therefore we would need the number of strawbale buildings of each
> country. We know, that the exact number of houses is not easy to
> determine. But it would be very helpful tu us, if one, who is familiar
> with the
> strawbale activities in his country, could give us an estimation about
> the number of existing houses built with straw.
> Please, send your reply to:
> contact@grat....ac.at
> Thank you
> Best regards
> Hannes
> PS: We will inform you about the results of this little survey.
> --
> DI Hannes Hohensinner
> GrAT
> Center for Appropriate Technology
> Vienna University of Technology
> Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10
> A-1040 Wien, Austria
> Tel: ++43/1/588 01 49 523
> Fax: ++43/1/7864205
> http://www.grat.tuwien.ac.at

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