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[strawbale] "Strawbale Homes in Europe"

Dear friends,

Jan Sturman (straw-bale builder collegue en photographer from
Massachusetts) - Koos Timmerman (director of VIBA) and myself proceeded on
the planning for the already announced book project(s).

1) A summerized translation of the Steens book THE BEAUTY OF STRAW-BALE
HOMES IN 3 or 4 languages: Dutch, German, French / Danish... The specific
proposals to the publishers is worked out presently by VIBA and should be
ready in November 01. Chelsea Green will part of this venture.

2) "Straw-Bale Homes in Europe" a follow up of 1) in cooperation also with
Chelsea Green. It will provide the best of the straw-bale homes in Europe
with some technical and inspiring information.

We are happy to invite you and the network to send your most wonderful
pictures of excellent photo-book quality for "Straw-Bale Book of Europe" and
suggestions for houses you think they deserve mentioning.

Photo Requirements:

Color porints or shots duplicates
Example showing interior, exterior

Pleas send your photos by February 2002 to my address:
Martin Oehlmann
Sportlaan 336
2566 LN Den Haag
The Netherlands

...together with
Name of owner, architect, builder , photographer
Where is this building?
When build?
How much did it cost?
Involvement of the owner?
Why did they choose SB?
Advantages Disadvantages of the choosen techniques?
What advise to give to other builders?
Key experiences?

We can not pay for photos at these stage but we offer to give credit and
contact addresses in ressource list and per project the sender will receive
3 copies of the book.

For the cover photograph an extra agreement will be offered and there is a
chance that 13 pictures will be collected for a calender 2003.

Jan Sturman will choose and arrange the pictures, decides what's missing
what could be better and might use his Interrail card to take the necessary

Thanks for cooperation and very best wishes,

Martin Oehlmann

PS: Please be so kind and transmit these letter to people from which you
think they their project deseves mentioning...