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evapotranspiration and drought papers; biochar film

Dear friends,

a good popular review of the seminal droughtpaper by Aiguo Dai (with better PDSI maps than those from the manuscript) is


At the end, it gives a link to a paper

    Declines in Global Land Evapotranspiration (Jung et al 2010)

which is worth reading too.

And, as I said during the meeting in Slunakov, there is a nice
film on Biochar from Saxonia,


mit liebe Grüsse,

                             Jan Hollan, Ph.D.

Lipová 19, 602 00 Brno                              +420 5 43 23 90 96

             volunteer of the Ecological Institute Veronica
Panská 9, 602 00 Brno, Czechia                  http://www.veronica.cz

e-mail: hollan@ped....cz              http://amper.ped.muni.cz/jenik