Illuminance plots of RRA524

(as computed by ies2tab from that photometry file)

spacing 5 plot single luminaire plot
In the left half of the left plot, specific illuminance by a continuous row of luminaires spaced 5 heights is shown (right half is for a single luminaire). The right plot is for a single luminaire, unrotated.

illuminance scale

Values below the scale are illuminance / 1 lx. This is for (unrealistic) “unit” case that luminaires would have lamps producing 1 klm only, would be point-like and just 1 m over the terrain.

ies2tab text output:

# [MANUFAC]   Thorn - Les Andelys
# [TEST]      RRA524 - 23548
# [LUMINAIRE] Riviera 1 - Aluminium Reflector - Flat Glass- Adjt=V2L4A
# [LUMCAT]    Riviera 1 AGP-(V2L4A)
# [DATE]      15/02/1996
# down given:   100.0%
# out given:    72.3%
# tilt:  0 
# [LAMP]      GE LU 70W /XL/T
# Source file: ldt/RRA524.LDT
# Luminaire flux =   721 raw, for the given bulb(s) it would be  4688 lm,
#                   72.1 % of the bulb flux
# between 75 and 90:  0.8 % of the luminaire flux
#  - this part causes just GLARE in case of road lighting and similar purposes
# 80deg and above:  max   9.0 cd / 1000 lm ,  0.3 % of the luminaire flux
# 90deg and above:  max   0.0 cd / 1000 lm ,  0.0 % of the luminaire flux
# CutOff Type: Full_CutOff    

# 62.5 deg to <67.5 deg:   max  1255 cd / 1000 lm,
# 67.5 deg to < 76  deg:   max   476 cd / 1000 lm,
# maximum spec. lum. intensity  1481 cd / 1000 lm

# The following table gives luminous intensities which would be produced
# using a hypothetic bulb giving a luminous flux of 1000 lm (i.e., cd/klm):

#  H:   0.0  15.0  30.0  40.0  45.0  50.0  55.0  60.0  65.0  70.0  75.0  80.0  85.0  90.0  95.0 100.0 105.0 110.0 115.0 120.0 125.0 130.0 135.0 140.0 150.0 165.0 180.0
  0.0   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316   316
 10.0   211   235   267   271   275   280   287   294   297   302   307   313   320   327   332   338   343   348   353   358   357   356   355   355   353   344   337
 20.0   111   121   126   145   163   187   210   233   256   279   304   319   331   342   344   345   345   337   329   316   290   266   252   241   220   169   168
 30.0  92.0  95.0   102   109   113   120   142   164   187   213   235   253   266   281   288   293   284   261   221   183   159   141   135   127   114   109   109
 35.0  89.0  87.2  93.3   101   103   107   114   122   146   177   212   235   256   275   291   286   265   220   181   144   124   110   104   104  98.6  99.6   101
 40.0  75.0  78.9  86.4  91.8  95.8  97.6   107   122   145   180   224   265   299   329   350   327   266   195   137   120   109  98.4  92.3  90.9  91.6  96.5  93.0
 45.0  67.0  69.6  82.3  85.9  92.4   103   117   129   151   206   281   342   395   431   420   348   237   171   135   115   102  92.9  87.6  84.1  80.8  86.1  86.0
 47.5  61.5  65.9  76.4  83.1  91.3   106   121   139   163   228   321   403   468   496   465   356   215   153   129   115   101  89.7  86.2  81.1  78.5  81.4  84.5
 50.0  56.0  62.3  72.8  83.0  89.0   103   122   144   172   254   376   474   544   561   509   361   212   150   125   111  98.0  91.2  86.3  80.6  75.0  77.6  83.0
 52.5  50.5  57.8  71.8  84.5  89.5  97.5   117   141   177   279   432   601   689   685   560   344   203   147   121   107  97.4  92.4  84.9  80.2  69.0  71.2  72.5
 55.0  45.0  52.7  70.1  81.2  87.7  95.1   111   137   173   312   620   778   847   808   597   303   177   142   121   105  95.1  88.9  82.0  77.3  64.8  63.6  62.0
 57.5  43.0  47.6  67.5  77.2  82.7  91.4   105   125   159   457   814  1031  1147  1049   670   268   163   134   118   100  90.4  84.9  81.1  74.9  63.5  57.6  54.5
 60.0  41.0  42.9  63.4  75.0  77.6  85.6  95.0   112   165   531   890  1311  1481  1289   721   260   133   122   104  95.3  86.4  84.5  79.4  70.7  61.0  52.5  47.0
 62.5  31.5  36.9  58.7  72.4  73.3  80.1  80.5  99.5   124   339   763  1255  1249  1078   541   202  88.0  89.5  76.9  90.1  78.6  77.2  73.4  65.5  56.8  43.8  33.0
 65.0  22.0  29.9  50.6  60.3  61.0  71.5  51.1  55.8  66.0   151   433   725   863   866   342   108  49.4  50.1  39.2  53.0  54.1  49.7  60.8  58.7  49.7  32.8  19.0
 67.5  18.5  25.1  40.1  43.1  38.9  43.4  26.5  21.9  26.5  51.1   170   282   473   476   185  55.3  32.0  25.9  16.1  23.9  22.9  23.7  36.7  38.6  40.9  23.5  12.5
 70.0  15.0  21.3  26.1  22.8  19.2  11.2  10.3  14.3  15.9  26.2  49.4   113   134  85.0  72.2  32.5  24.6  17.9  12.9  12.3  10.1   9.7  17.5  12.3  25.7  15.1   6.0
 72.5   8.0  13.4  10.3  10.2   8.0   9.2   6.8   9.9  11.1  14.6  23.0  27.1  41.0  50.5  35.1  21.8  15.3  12.7   8.8   7.2   6.8   7.2   6.8   7.6   8.3   9.5   6.5
 75.0   1.0   3.8   6.3   4.0   4.7   6.6   6.6   5.9   7.7   9.3  11.8  15.2  19.5  16.0  17.8  12.8  10.6   8.7   7.7   6.3   8.9   5.8   6.0   6.0   6.9   4.4   7.0
 77.5   3.0   3.2   3.8   5.2   4.5   3.7   6.3   4.4   5.1   7.1   8.5   8.5  11.1  12.5  11.3   8.6   8.3   6.9   5.8   5.9   3.8   4.3   5.1   5.1   5.6   4.2   4.5
 80.0   5.0   4.7   3.2   3.9   4.4   2.7   4.0   7.2   4.9   4.8   5.9   8.4   6.4   9.0   7.4   4.9   5.3   5.1   4.5   5.3   5.0   6.1   4.1   4.5   3.9   5.5   2.0
 82.5   2.5   2.7   2.2   2.0   2.3   3.9   3.9   1.4   4.1   4.6   4.5   5.7   7.1   5.5   6.5   5.2   5.6   5.2   4.7   3.7   4.5   3.0   4.0   3.9   2.2   3.2   3.0
 85.0   0.0   0.1   0.5   3.3   3.7   3.2   5.0   5.9   3.4   2.7   3.3   4.4   5.0   2.0   4.4   5.7   4.3   2.8   3.2   5.5   2.3   3.2   3.9   3.2   0.5   0.2   4.0
 87.5   2.5   0.9   1.2   3.6   4.9   1.9   0.1   0.0   4.3   2.8   1.4   3.2   2.8   1.0   4.2   6.1   2.4   3.9   5.8   2.0   5.2   5.7   3.9   3.6   0.0   2.4   4.5
 90.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0