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[strawbale] Here I am. Stojan

Title: Re: Hi Martin, Herbert and Harald: will you add / modify this email and return it to me. Then I'll send a unified one on to Simon if there is sort of consensus. Lars
Hallo everybody!
I have some troubles with infection, but now an antivirus profi program is installed  and so it is much easyer for me.
Your discussion about gathering in Austria is also O.K. for me.
The reasons are:
    - they have more experiences in organisation of such a meetings,
    - they have profilised people fore strawbale building,
    - they have something to show, what we for the time do not have.
In European point of wiev, the location is very similar ( mideast Europe) and the interested people from Slowenia, Croatia and Hungary will sure participate the meeting.
So, it's allright by me if gathering will find the place in Austria.
My partticipation in that case will be anyway to let you know who where the persons wich have announced to come into Slowenia in Oktober, so that we will inform them again. And maybe i could help also on some different ways at the preparation.
So,  stay in touch!
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Oehlmann <martin.oehlmann@wxs...>
To: Herbert Gruber <d.sign@aon...>; oikia <oikia.stojan@siol...>
Date: 4. december 2001 16:15
Subject: RE: Hi Martin, Herbert and Harald: will you add / modify thisemail and return it to me. Then I'll send a unified one on to Simon ifthere is sort of consensus. Lars

Dear Stojan, Herbert and Lars,
Ich glaube fuer Stojan ist deutsch einfacher. In der Tat geht es zunaechst erstmal darum, warum so lange Funkstille ist und wie wir  in diesem Prozess zur Seite stehen koennen, um die richtige Prioritaet zu finden. Dass sich jetzt die Diskussion in Richtung Oesterreich verschiebt kommt wohl vor allem durch Luecken in der Kommunikation, die sich wiederholen. Stojan welchen Beistand brauchst Du?
Was auch immer passiert, ich biete Stojan und Freunden die Mitwirkung bei einem Workshop und eventuell einem Vortrag fuer ein breiteres Publikum an innerhalb der mir verfuegbaren Zeit. Ungarn ist ein excellentes Beispiel. 2 Vortraege  an den TU's in Sopron und in Budapest voriges Jahr. In diesem Jahr schon 10 Projekte und 2 Baubetriebe.
Herzliche Gruesse, Martin
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Herbert Gruber [mailto:d.sign@aon...]
Verzonden: maandag 3 december 2001 21:14
Aan: Martin Oehlmann; oikia
Onderwerp: Re: Hi Martin, Herbert and Harald: will you add / modify thisemail and return it to me. Then I'll send a unified one on to Simon ifthere is sort of consensus. Lars

Dear Lars, dear Stojan
Surely a proposal is a good way to find a decision. But has anyone asked Stojan, if he wants to organize a workshop/another gathering? I haven`t heard anything from Stojan in this discussion since the gathering was cancelled.
Stojan, please give us your comments, too...
best wishes, Herbert

Dear Lars,

Thanks for the proposal. Austria is excellent too, as communication works that difficulut so far. Herbert and Markus are discussing this option tomorrow.

Yet I wonder if it would possible to connect a scenario, like it has been done with visits of David Eisenberg, Cathy Wanek or Matts and Judy: organising with those interested a workshop in Slovenia (to start up their sb-project) and a lecture for the public (if there is interest) timewise connected with that potential gathering in Austria or interested networks in the neighbouring countries. Actually I would be available, within some time limits. Easter, May 1 and pentacaust already is booked up for me, which is not of that importance for the network.

I would encourage your proposal, that those there will be a discussion between Stojan and others. My question is why there are such long silences and which sort of priority has a gathering, workshop or lecture to Stojan and friends. How could they improve communication and pr, which is necessary building up such an event.

My experience in Austria: there is a qualified team: ASBN, Global 2000 and GrAT

Best wishes, Martin

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Lars Keller [mailto:larskeller@livinghouses...]
Verzonden: maandag 3 december 2001 14:46
Aan: Martin Oehlmann; Harald und Margit Wedig; Herbert Gruber
Onderwerp: Hi Martin, Herbert and Harald: will you add / modify this email and return it to me. Then I'll send a unified one on to Simon if there is sort of consensus. Lars

Regarding the 2002 European SB-gathering:

Simon will you please let us know - and if possible initiate - the following suggestion in a few days, given that noone have raised their voice against it:

1) Herbert, Stojan & André communicate privately to formulate a proposal.

2) The proposal shall suggest
  • place: Austria as first choice, with Slovenia or France as second choice
  • time: spring & or autumn
3) The proposal is launched by Herbert (?) and can be answered by replying to Herbert, saving everyone else from having to read all the mails. Answer by writing (ONLY) in the topic-line: "OK to proposal - [name]", or "NOGO to proposal - [name]".

Kind regards, Lars Keller, Denmark.