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Re: [strawbale] Kosoco needs straw bale builders

Hello Hannes and Horst -- plus Lois Nicolai, Joe Kennedy & Kelly Lerner & Darren Port

Thanks for your emails and interest in building with bales in Kosovo (see below for the background emails).

We have discussed Lois' appeal among the Builders without Borders organizers and have come to the conclusion that, while there is definitely immediate  need, that it would be ill conceived to try to rush to build something before winter sets in (I'm guessing that it could freeze almost any time now in Kosovo- certainly within the month.)  This is just not time to begin a building.

But BWB is interested to help create a building initiative in Kosovo for next year, if there is fertile ground for it.  We are still a fledgling organization, but are willing to support this effort, especially if we can partner with European organizations in this effort.

I am very encouraged by the interest of Hannes and Horst.  (We know Horst personally, too, and hold him in high regard.) 
It seems to make sense to me that if Horst could visit with Lois, while they are both in Kosovo, and investigate the circumstances -- this could be the first step. 

BWB will be hosting it's first "facilitator training," -- now re titled "Natural Building in a Cross-Cultural Context," Oct. 1-10, 2001.  We plan to use the potential of building in Kosovo as a "case study" exercise during the training.  We will undoubtedly have many questions to ask -- the first is indeed the one that Hannes asked (see email below) "Will they accept straw-bale construction in Kosovo?"  Or, at least, will our prospective recipient want it?

There is much more to talk about -- I have just a few beginning questions for you:

Lois - Can you and your Serbian friends accept waiting until next spring/summer -- would there still be local support?

Horst - could you arrange to meet Lois while you are both in Kosovo, and assess the situation?

Hannes - Would there be support from CARITAS and/or GrAT, if Builders without Borders wanted also to support a straw-bale initiative in Kosovo?

Ideally, European members of BWB would lead this project, as it is more sustainable to work closer to home.
And we in the U.S. would lend support to this effort.

I look forward to continuing this dialogue, and welcome your feedback and ideas.

best regards,
Catherine Wanek
Builders without Borders

At 06:25 PM 9/12/01 +0200, Horst Steinicke wrote:
Dear Lois,
what a surprise to read about your commitments/work here in Kosovo. Well, I
am a German architect and writing a thesis on structural issues of building
with straw bales in California. I already had my graduation last year, but
writing my thesis is still ongoing.
However, at the moment I am a reserve officer with the German KFOR troops
till the first week of December in Prizren, Kosovo. Your project sounds very
interesting and I am wondering if I can be of any help. Since I have a job as
an interpreter at the HQ of the German brigade and getting paid by the German
military it will not be easy to get away and focus on a building construction
what I actually would love to do. Anyway, I am interested in the project and
would like to help as far as possible.
Let me know about your actual plans. The time frame till November sounds
pretty tight. I am heading for a two week vacation back to Germany on September
Looking forward to hearing from you,

with best regards, Horst

Hannes wrote:

Dear Lois, Dear Catherine,
I read your mail through the esbn newsletter and tried to get contact
with CARITAS Austria, who is responsible for aid projects in Kosovo.
I talked to the responsible person and explained him straw bale
building. I told him, that it is no technical problem to build a straw
bale house and that the construction is tested and approved according
the austrian building codes (We did extensive fire tests and heat
conductivity tests.). He mentioned, that it is not the technical side,
that makes troubles, it is much more the rejection of alternativ
buildings methodes by the local population. Austrian companies wanted to
build wooden houses in Kosovo and did not succeed, because the people
living there did not want them.
Do you think, that the local people of Zubin Potok would support the
idea to build a strawbale house for these two old men?
I think, that the support of the local population is a crucial point for
a successful dissemination of strawbale building in that region.
Looking forward hearing from you soon.
best regards