Star positions

(from the Bright Star Catalogue or from RA and Decl.)

Year:   Month:   Day:   Hour:   Minute:
Longitude: (western as -)   Latitude:   Your Time - UTC:  h
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The chosen stars are to be given at command line, typically as nAlp_Aur or nAlp1Sco (ev. overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help).

Nothing to do - at least one point needed to make anything

Star_pos  dDD[.MM[.YY]] tHH[.MM[.SS]] UT# L# F# E# [ ]]

gives angular height and azimuth (and hour angle and declination)
 of the point.

The point can be given through its HR number (in the Bright Star Catalogue)
 as HR#,
by its Greek/Flamsteed code preceded by N as nAlp_Cas, nAlp1Sco, n42_Eri,
or by giving RA# (in degrees) or RAhh:mm:ss and
             De#   -  "  -    or DEdd:mm:"" .

If more than one point is given, an output table is produced
 (press Q  to quit, just  to see the next page)
 D  is date (initial value is the current one)
 T  is time (default is the current one)
 UT is the t-UTC difference / 1 h (default 1 from Nov. to March, else 2)
 L  is the Longitude of the observing place, default that of Brno,
 F  is the latitude      -               "                -  
 E   equinox year (default 2000.0, i.e. J2000), for computing precession 
   (default c:\d\j\d\stars;C:\D\BSC5\;c:\d\stars\bsc5;/home/jhollan/public_html/data;/home/guest/cats;g:\cats )

If needed, three parameters for computing refraction can be added:
 PR  pressure / 1013.25 kPa (default 0.97)
 CT  Celsius air temperature / 1 K (default 10)
 RH  Relative humidity of the air / 1 % (default 70)

( (C) Jan Hollan, N.Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno, 1999;
 subject to the GNU General Public License,;
 source code available at
 source code available at

This is a result of the programme star_pos (available as a part of a package (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
star_pos d14.03.2025 t10:27 l16.6 f49.2 ut1