Relative star positions

(from the Bright Star Catalogue or from RA and Decl.)

Year:   Month:   Day:   Hour:   Minute:
Longitude: (western as -)   Latitude:   Your Time - UTC:  h    use just this unit for angular distance:   
include refraction (and compute position angles with respect to zenith)
save settings    use my saved settings

The chosen stars are to be given at command line, typically as nAlp_Aur or nAlp1Sco (ev. overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help).

Nothing to do - two points needed to make anything


computes position angle and angular distance of the second point
with respect to the first one.

The point can be given through its HR number (in the Bright Stars Catalogue)
 as HR#,
by its Greek/Flamsteed code preceded by N as nAlp_Cas, nAlp1Sco, n42_Eri,
or by giving RA# (in degrees) or RAhh:mm:ss and
             De#   -  "  -    or DEdd:mm:"" .

 (press Q  to quit, just  to see the next page)
More than two points can be given, then a matrix of for all pairs
will be computed.

 IR asks for output of angular distance just in milliradians
 ID        -            "            -          degrees
 IM        -            "            -          minutes

 R[-] asks for (not)including refraction; if yes, than the following
    parameters are of importance:

 (press Q  to quit, just  to see the last page)
 D  is date (initial value is the current one)
 T  is time (default is the current one)
 UT is the t-UTC difference / 1 h (default 1 from Nov. to March, else 2)
 L  is the Longitude of the observing place, default that of Brno,
 F  is the latitude      -               "                -  
 E   equinox year (default 2000.0, i.e. J2000), for computing precession 

If needed, three parameters for computing refraction can be added:
 PR  pressure / 1013.25 kPa (default 0.97)
 CT  Celsius air temperature / 1 K (default 10)
 RH  Relative humidity of the air / 1 % (default 70)

   (default c:\d\j\d\stars;C:\D\BSC5\;c:\d\stars\bsc5;/home/jhollan/public_html/data;/home/guest/cats;g:\cats )

( (C) Jan Hollan, N.Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno, 1999-2006;
 subject to the GNU General Public License,;
 source code available at
 source code available at

This is a result of the programme padi (available as a part of a package (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
padi d14.03.2025 t10:24 l16.6 f49.2 ut1 R-