Binary star positions

Binary Star:
Start Year:   End Year:   Step:

The chosen star can be given as a record number, as ADS# or as a string, using the binorbit.dbf
(adapted from the Fourth Catalog of Orbits of Visual Binary Stars)
(Alternative input is on a command line:

`-h' gives help.)

         E F E M E R I D A   V I Z U Á L N Í   D V O J H V Ě Z D Y 

 Lze spustit se sedmi parametry-elementy,
   a navíc s ev. s třemi dalšími (od, do, krok - vše v letech),
 nebo oněch sedm elementů nahradit číslem záznamu v databázi,
  ADS# či jménem dvojhvězdy (pole Name souboru binorbit.dbf).

tr_bin_t [  { period/1a   periastron_passage/1a   eccentricity    semiaxis/1"
          inclination/1°   ascending_node_pos._angle   periastron_longitude }
        | { {RecNO_in_binorbit.dbf} | {ADS#} | {Name_in_binorbit.dbf} } ]
       [first_time/1a   last_time/1a   step/1a]

TRajectory of a visual BINary
  Default interval is from 2000 to 2030 with step of 5 a

Computation by Tomas Rezek (1993 and 1994), parameters by Jan Hollan (1996),
(text version tr_bin_t 2006), N. Copernicus Obs. and Planetarium in Brno.
(subject to the GNU General Public License,;
 source code available at

This is a result of the programme tr_bin_t (should be available as a part of a package (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
tr_bin_t '-h' 2000 2030 5