[IAN] Free software for diabetics in your PDA.

GlucoControl info.glucocontrol na undersociety...
Středa Leden 29 23:41:39 CET 2003


I'm sending this email to show you a free diabetic
software that works in your PDA, if you know
somebody that are interested in this information,
please, send him/her a copy of this email or web

GlucoControl is a PDA software (Pocket PC), that
helps to control the glucose levels in blood, it
replaces the classic diabetes notebook.

GlucoControl, facilitates data entry, in addition
to the typical controls, it is possible to
introduce extra controls with insulin supplement,
lunch time, etc..., which allows to control and to
understand the ascents and slopes of glucose.

It automatically calculates the glucose average in
blood in the last 7 and 30 days.

It generates line graphs with the evolution of
glucose since N days specified, shows the bands of
danger over 200 and underneath 50 and facilitates
the understanding of the curves of glucemia in

GlucoControl is translated to all this languages:

	* Spanish. 
	* English. 
	* German. 
	* Catalan. 

To download latest version or get more
information, go to:

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