[IAN] chlorofyl na Marsu

Michael Tankista Kročil mkrocil na envinet...
Úterý Červenec 2 07:19:56 CEST 2002

Dobry den, tady Michal z Trebice. Tu informaci s chlorofylem na Marsu resime
na Trebicske hvezdarne, prisel s tim kolega Jilda Mahr a nasel to v
novinkach myslim na Astro.sci.muni.cz Pro informaci ho tady pretiskuju:
(CNN) -- Nové zkoumání dat marsovské mise z roku 1997 zjistilo, ze povrch
obsahuje chlorofyl. Tento objev podporuje nadeji na objev zivota na Marsu.
Chlorofyl je látka, kterou používají jak rostliny, tak rasy k přeměně
slunečního světla v potravu.

Tuto látku obsahují téměř všechny fotosyntetické organismy na planetě Zemi a
tato látka je charakteristická svoji zelenou barvou. NASA se na základě výše
uvedeného zjištění spojí s vědci, kteří se zabývají životem na Zemi a bude
se snažit tuto okolnost vysvětlit.

Na výše uvedenou okolnost přítomnosti chlorofylu na Marsu upozornili Carole
Stoker a PascalAshwanden (NASA), kteří zkoumali data ze sondy Pathfinder.

Pár odborníků provedl spektrální analýzu fotografií z Pathfinderu, aby
identifikoval chemikálie v sousedství sondy, která přistála na Marsu v
oblasti Ares Vallisv červenci 1997. Studium zjistilo šest potenciálně
žhavých míst s přítomností chlorofylu. "Dva případy se vyskytly v malé
oblasti v blízkosti sondy," dodali výše jmenovaní odborníci.

(podle spa0504 z 4.4.2002 připravil PH)

  Nevim, jak si ten mail poradí s diakritikou. Protoze Jilda chce napsat o
tom clánek, tak me poveril sehnat o tom vic informaci. Pro uplnost (Jilda je
nevidomy a tak by moje prolitnuti webu a vyhledani anglickeho originalu melo
vetsi rychlost) Na Nasa strance nebylo vubec nic, az na www.space com jsem
po napsani klicoveho slova chlorophyll nasel dalsi clanek, ktery tuto
skutecnost stavi tak, ze to Nasa dementuje a ze nejaky pisalek(rozumej
novinar z BBC) zachytil mailovou korespondenci vedcu s vysledky a publikoval
to. Original je v anglictine, tak si to taky prelouskejte, jak chcete.

      Story of Possible Life on Mars Overstated, NASA Says

      By Robert Roy Britt, Senior Science Writer
      posted: 04:30 pm ET, 05 April 2002

      A story published by the BBC today reported that NASA researchers
"have found 'intriguing' new evidence that may indicate there is life on
Mars," but a NASA spokesperson told SPACE.com that the claim is overstated.

      The article, posted on the BBC's Web site, said researcher Carol
Stoker, from NASA's Ames Research Center, worked with a team that used
photos from the 1997 Mars Pathfinder mission to determine that there could
be chlorophyll on Mars. The molecule is used by plants to produce energy
from sunlight and would be considered a monumental find on the Red Planet.

      A NASA spokesperson said, however, that Stoker's study involved a test
of a new computer algorithm designed to search images for signs of
biomarkers like chlorophyll. The ongoing tests have generated some
interesting results, the spokesperson said, but nothing firm.

      "Stoker has said they did not find evidence of chlorophyll or any
evidence of life on Mars," the spokesperson said. "There's really nothing to
report. I think they [the BBC] read more into the abstract than is really

      An abstract of the study has already been made available on the Web.
Scientists typically make such summaries of scientific papers available for
other scientists to peruse. Journalists and the public can often access the
documents. Yet when research yields groundbreaking discoveries, abstracts
are often not made available in this fashion until a grand announcement has
been made.

      NASA in particular is known for keeping important discoveries quiet
and announcing the findings to the entire public at once.

      The BBC story said Stoker was scheduled to present her findings next
week at an astrobiology meeting.

      The NASA spokesperson said Stoker was not taking calls from reporters.

      The abstract, reviewed by SPACE.com, discusses the study in technical
terms and makes no extraordinary claims. After an automated search of
images, in which signs of chlorophyll were sought, six images were studied
further. Of those, four cases appeared to involve the spacecraft itself,
according to the abstract.

      "Two intriguing cases occur in small areas on the ground near the
spacecraft," the researchers stated.

Omlouvam se za tak dlouhy prispevek, ale budu rad, kdyz se nekdo ozve,
abychom ten clanek v Trebici dali dohromady. S pozdravem Michael Krocil

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