[IAN] Fwd: [SMPH] Hyakutake (fwd)

netol na volny... netol na volny...
Pondělí Duben 15 11:41:37 CEST 2002

Preposilam zpravu (fwd od Martina Lehkeho) z konference SMPH...


From: Seiichi Yoshida <comet na aerith...>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 23:32:56 -0500
Dear colleagues,
Yuji Hyakutake died on Apr. 10.
Seiichi Yoshida
comet na aerith...

"I don't care about the naming of the comet. If many people could
enjoy that comet, that is the happiest thing for me." - Yuji

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