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Mbol = 0

Dear Representative of the Commision 25,

searching for some current definition of the bolometric scale, I have got
in March an email from Roger Cayrel, saying:

> In Kyoto, Commissions 25 and 36 of the IAU have approved the following
> definition of Mbol =0
> It is the bolometric magnitude of a star radiating

> L=3.055x10^28 W

Thanks to that, my colleague Zdenek Mikulasek has been able to ground his
new textbook on stelar astrophysics on a solid fundament. However,
updating a Czech standard on photometric terminology, I hesitate to give
just a "private communication" reference.

Please, could you give me a hint, where that base of the bolometric scale
approved in (August 1997 Assemby in) Kyoto has been (or will be)
published? If it is just in the proceedings:

       Proceedings of the Twenty-Third General Assembly
       Kyoto, Japan
       August 18 - 30, 1997
       Ed. J. Andersen
       Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 0-7923-5588-1, 1999

(I doubt there exits a copy in Czechia), a would appreciate a page number.

Of course, an www-accessible reference would be much better. I am much in
favour to include it into http://www.iau.org/units.html at least. 

Yours sincerely

                                Jan Hollan
              N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno
KravĂ­ hora 2, CZ - 616 00 Brno                        +420 (5) 41 32 12 87

Lipová 19, 602 00 Brno                                         43 23 90 96

e-mail: hollan@ped....cz             http://astro.sci.muni.cz/pub/hollan