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re: Re: [strawbale] Virus warning - again !


I agree that we should avoid attachments. 

There are virussus arround these days that do not even need an attachment :-(

I got infected 2 months ago (from the ESBN). I finally decided to install an anti virus program and located 4 different!!!!! viruses on my pc. Since then I have received at least 8 emails with viruses, but the anti virus software checks BEFORE I can open the emails. So I did not get infected.
The 3 month trial period is almost over and I'll buy it. Saves a lot of troubles (though not perfect). If some of you want to install an anti virus software, make sure you have it updated on the vendors website to have the lastest info.

Good luck,

> ** Original Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 23:03:34 +0100

> ** Original Message follows... 

> Regarding viruses I suggest that the list server is set up in such a way
> that attachments are not forwarded to the subscribers. In many ways this is
> good practice because many people who are noet interested in the attachments
> and have slow or expensive intenet access don't have to wait while included
> attachments are downloaded. Secondly If just one of us gets infected by a
> virus all of us are in danger of receiving the virus. As the list grows this
> danger becomes bigger and bigger.
> Until sofar I subscribe to Liza's suggestion to not to open attachments from
> the strawbale list. Currently there are some really agressive e-mail viruses
> circulating. My own current policy is not to open any attachment I am not
> completely sure of the content.
> If you would like to share information that you can't place in an e-mail
> text directly place it on a web-site. Your own or ask some one on the list
> to do it for you. Or send it directly to people who ask for it. When you do
> attach something after a request describe in your e-mail what you have
> attached. (if I am not 100% sure I will not open it)
> Rene.
> -----Original Message-----From: Lisa Walcher <w.lisa@nusurf...>
> To: strawbale-l@eyfa... <strawbale-l@eyfa...>
> Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [strawbale] Virus warning - again !
> hi everybody!
> its really a pity with this virus mails - I do not open attachements
> anymore - everybody can include interresting information by copying it - I
> am also member of another group - and they do not open attachements, too. I
> am not really trusting in antivirus systems, I prefer not opening dates
> which I do not know exactly.
> greetings
> lisa

>** --------- End Original Message ----------- **


La Maison en Paille
Information Center on ECO-LOGIC Habitat

Andre & Coralie de Bouter
Le Trezidoux
16290 Champmillon
Charente, France 
Tel. (0)5 45 66 27 68 


We are currently building our Straw Bale house/'hotel' to receive people for guided tours, Straw Bale workshops, as well as other workshops.
We offer multimedia presentations on SB construction and are working on a (copyright free) CDrom on Natural Construction.