springtime we will start building an annex to a house her in Belgium (near to
Leuven) if you are interested you are welcome to take contact with
Van Soom
This is a difficult but friendly letter for me
to write, because Iım learning english at this time, so i hope you will show
I introduce myself : my name is Vincent TURIOT. I have made
some architectural studies. I started them when I discovered the bioclimatique
architecture.So I decided to leave school and Paris,I went to the
country take a bearing. Without money I made a vegetable garden to
provide for my needs . I read Thoreau (Walden), and found a new way of
life, an ecological kind. It has become necessary to me to start
again. Iıve worked here & there and tried out different techniques of
building.In France, straw or wood (vegetable buildings) are in their beginnig.
So not much work & experience but many blocks: culturals, economics,
ignorance... I need more experience in order to become an ecological
builder and learn english too, because most of boocks are in english
language.So Iıve decided to go to the USA, for three months, winter
season. It' s a friend of me who has given to me your e-mail in order to
find some help.I surch new people in the ecologica building activities in
USA to contact them during my travel and european people too. I would like
join a builder team, and work for few money, just for my depens (bed,food and
mouving). It is the good adresse for that? Thank you for this time you give
to me. Hoping to hear from you before too