Star positions

(from the Bright Star Catalogue or from RA and Decl.)

Year:   Month:   Day:   Hour:   Minute:
Longitude: (western as -)   Latitude:   Your Time - UTC:  h
save settings    name='mydefault' value='True'> use my saved settings

The chosen stars are to be given at command line, typically as nAlp_Aur or nAlp1Sco (ev. name='override' value='True'> overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help).

 echo system(EscapeShellCmd("/home/jhollan/bin/".$para)) ;
 echo "

"; echo '

This is a result of the programme star_pos (available as a part of a package (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
' ;
  echo EscapeShellCmd($para) ;
  echo "
" ; ?>