Length of the Night

as an interval between the PM and AM moments of Sun passing a given angular height (default -6°, for the ``civil night''):

Year:   Month:   Day:
Longitude: (western as -)   Latitude:
Your Time - UTC:  h
The relevant angular height of Sun is degrees
next days will be computed as well,
with a step of day(s).
   save settings    name='mydefault' value='True'> use my saved settings

Another option is to use your own command line (ev. name='override' value='True'> overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help).

 echo system(EscapeShellCmd("/home/jhollan/bin/".$para)) ;
 echo "

"; echo '

This is a result of the programme nights (available as a part of a package pas_jh.zip (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
' ;
  echo EscapeShellCmd($para) ;
  echo "
" ; # saving the settings: if ($save) { if ($long!=="") { setcookie("clong", $long, time()+3E7); } if ($lat!=="") { setcookie("clat", $lat, time()+3E7); } if ($t_utc!=="") { setcookie("ct_utc", $t_utc, time()+3E7); } if ($heis!=="") { setcookie("cheis", $heis, time()+3E6); } if ($next!=="") { setcookie("cnext", $next, time()+3E6); } if ($inte!=="") { setcookie("cinte", $inte, time()+3E6); } if ($line!=="") { setcookie("licline", $line, time()+3E6); } } setcookie("cmydefault", $line, time()+3E6); ?>