' ; #print_r($_POST) ; echo '
' ; $vars = array('long','lat','t-utc','ze','nohor','azs', 'hei','explan', 'lunline','mydefault','override','save','next','inte', 'day','month','year','hour','minute') ; # like above, but without override, mydefault, save - these should not stay checked $varsT = array('long','lat','t-utc','ze','nohor','azs', 'hei','explan', 'lunline','next','inte', 'day','month','year','hour','minute') ; if ($mydefault) { foreach ($varsS as $v) { if($$v=="") { $$v = $_COOKIE["c$v"] ; } } # if (trim($lunline)=="") { $line=$_COOKIE["clunline"] ; } if ($_COOKIE["clong"]=="" and $_COOKIE["clat"]=="" and $_COOKIE["ct_utc"]=="" and $_COOKIE["cexplan"]=="" and $_COOKIE["cze"]=="" and $_COOKIE["cazs"]=="" and $_COOKIE["chei"]=="" ) { $mydefault=False ; } } elseif (isset($_POST) ) { foreach ($varsT as $v) { $$v = $_POST[$v] ; } } ?> Illumination by the Moon

Illumination by the Moon

(direct light only; a general planetary ephemeris is also possible)

Year:   Month:   Day:   Hour:   Minute:
Longitude: (western as -)   Latitude:   Your Time - UTC:  h
Extinction in zenith:  cmag  (city air has rather 35 cmag)
name='nohor' value='True'> Compute illumination of the surface with its normal pointing at: Azimuth from S:   Ang. height:
name='explan' value='ne'> skip explanation    save settings    name='mydefault' value='True'> use my saved settings
(add another moments, with a step of days)

Another option is to use your own command line (ev. name='override' value='True'> overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help, adding `k3' would give a luminous flux density as if it were no Earth).

" ; $para= "planet c10 $explan d$day.$month.$year t$hour:$minute l$long f$lat ut$t_utc ze$ze"; if ($nohor) { $para= "$para i$azs:$hei" ; } else { $para = "$para i" ; } if ($next) { $para= "$para n$next s$inte" ; } if (trim($lunline)!=="") { if ($override) { $para= "planet $lunline " ; } else { $para= $para . " " . $lunline ; } } echo "

 echo system(EscapeShellCmd("/home/jhollan/bin/".$para)) ;
 echo "

"; echo '

This is a result of the programme planet (available as a part of a package pas_jh.zip (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
' ;
  echo EscapeShellCmd($para) ;
  echo "
" ; #print_r($save) ; echo ": save
" ; # saving the settings: if ($save) { foreach ($varsS as $v) { if ($$v!=="") { setcookie("c$v", $$v, time()+3E7); } } #$print_r($_COOKIE) ; echo '
' ; } # $print_r($_COOKIE) ; echo '
' ; # $print_r($_POST) ; echo '
' ; ?>