Exposure by sunlight

Direct light only; a sundial (image and a text file) can be also produced.

Longitude: (western as -)   Latitude:
Extinction in zenith:  cmag  (city air has rather 35 cmag)
Compute illumination of the surface with its normal pointing at: Azimuth from N:   Ang. height:
save settings    use my saved settings

Another option is to use your own command line (ev. overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help).

Daily solar exposure of a plane sized one square meter for these parameters:
 The normal to the plane points to
   azimuth  180.0 degrees  (South is at 180 degrees, West at 270 or -90),
   height     0.0 degrees  (Zenith is at 90 degrees),
 latitude of the place is 49.2 degrees,
 sky is CLEAR (all the time!), sunshine diminished 17 %  per unit air mass,
 glass properties: n =1.50, absorption = 0.10 (at normal incidence).
A reference plane points to 45 degrees over south
 at latitude of 49.20 degrees (positive=northern), is single-glazed
 and its insolation is diminished by 24 % per unit air mass.

Declination  Insol-   single glazing       no glazing       double glazing
of the Sun   ation  exposure    relat.    Expos.  relat.    Expos.  relat.
/ 1 degree   time    / 1 kWh             / 1 kWh           / 1 kWh
             /1 h
-23.4         7.8       3.16    1.59      3.64    1.83      2.75    1.38
-20.2         8.5       3.72    1.47      4.23    1.67      3.28    1.30
-11.5        10.2       4.74    1.23      5.24    1.36      4.28    1.11
  0.0        11.8       4.87    0.95      5.35    1.04      4.46    0.87
 11.5        10.5       3.86    0.66      4.34    0.74      3.50    0.60
 20.2         9.5       2.73    0.45      3.23    0.53      2.37    0.39
 23.4         9.2       2.28    0.37      2.80    0.46      1.91    0.31
Yearly_Sum:  3540       1358    0.82      1536    0.93      1213    0.74

This is a result of the programme sundialt (available as a part of a package pas_jh.zip (1.2 MB) -- the needed Pascal units themselves are unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
sundialt e l16.6 f49.2 z20 a180 h0