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Re: permission for Joe Roberts pictures

Hi Jenik:

Thank you for writing to request permission to use the photos from my Light
Pollution Awareness Website.  I have contacted Joe Roberts requesting his
permission in your behalf and also asked if he has any with a higher
resolution.  I will let you know as soon as I hear back from him.

Joe may contact you directly if he has digital copies of those photos with a
higher resolution.  Good luck with your project and if you would like help
editing the English version of your brochure please let me know.  I would be
happy to help.

Clear skies and good seeing,
Keep looking up!

Cliff Haas

In a message dated 9/8/01 7:30:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
jhollan@amper....muni.cz writes:

Dear Cliff,

I'd like to use that pair of good/bad skies from your LiteLynx page for an
educational leaflet for Czech public (and, next week, for the members of
parliament so that they would include prevention of light pollution into
the ``clean air act'').

It should be printed B&W in some thousands copies, to be distributed free
of charge to municipalities etc. It should be also available on our page
on web, for people to be able to print it themselves.

The working version of the leaflet is

To show what the leaflet is about, I made quickly an English version
(bad English, just a straigth translation of the Czech wording) as well,

The pair of good and bad sky views is not an ideal one for this purpose
probably (resolution is not good enough), but I have no time to find any
better now. So, can I use this one?

with best regards,

PS. the directory
contains a Czech translation of the Connecticut law as well

                               Jan Hollan
             N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno
Kraví hora 2, CZ - 616 00 Brno                        +420 (5) 41 32 12 87

Lipová 19, 602 00 Brno                                         43 23 90 96

       leader of the Darksky section of the Czech Astronomical Society
            and volunteer of the Ecological counselling Veronica
Panská 9, 602 00 Brno, Czechia                  fax:  +420 (5) 42 21 05 61

e-mail: hollan@ped....cz             http://astro.sci.muni.cz/pub/hollan