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[Strawbale] FW: Info request from Serbia

Hi baleheads
I am forwarding this mail sent to the REPP STRWBALE LIST and SB-r-us@yahoo list 
In peace

my name is Goran Micevski and I am a student of the fifth year of civil
>engineering at the University in Belgrade, Serbia.
>For my final work I have chosen the subject of sustainable building
>projects, with the special emphasis on materials used in building
>ecological houses.
>The materials (strawbales, compressed earth bricks, cob, cellulose
>insulation,...) will be thoroughly tested in our labs to determine their
>characteristics and thus, hopefully, to start its wider use in Serbia.
>The topic is very little spoken or known off in my country (I know for
>sure that there is one eco house in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but that's
>all), but offers a great potential primarily due to low cost materials
>used in building.
>I would be most grateful if you could send me any materials or info
>regarding this subject (either through email or post) and help me with my
>Hope to hear from you soon,
>Goran Micevski
>Ratnih Vojnih Invalida 21
>11211 Belgrade