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[strawbale] Switzerland House

It is sounding like a sorry story, coming to us from the experiences of Mr.
Follmi. My heart goes out to him and to Reudi Kunz. I think it's very
important to discuss what happenened, to learn from it, and not to make
hasty judgements. From what Herbert says (and it was very sensible to ask
for information directly) it seems clear to me that the problems that have
occurred are not to do with a failure of the loadbearing strawbale method.
That needs to be emphasised, because the lessons to be learned here would
seem to be about the use of experimental techniques in building, the
relationship between the client and the architect, and where the
responsibility for the decision making lies.
We really do need to hear Ruedi's side of the story too. It's important
whether Mr Follmi knew about the experimental nature of the cherry stone
floor, and the spelt chaff and participated in the decision making. I would
be surprised if Ruedi had not talked to him about it, but it can happen that
way. Both parties have lost a lot in this sad episode, it is very hard when
the consequences of optimism and risk taking go so badly wrong, but it is
surely better to take responsibility for one's actions, learn from mistakes,
make amends where possible, and move on, rather than get stuck in blame.
If there are some who can help to make Mr Follmi's house habitable, through
their knowledge of loadbearing techniques, then that's great, and if I can
be of any help through ideas I'll surely offer it. But let us not forget
Ruedi, who must be feeling terribly responsible for the failures too, and
who has also lost much. He also needs support, we don't know yet in what
ways but his silence is worrying.

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