Rudolf Novak novak at hvezdarna...
Fri Jan 19 13:14:44 CET 2001

Ahoj Petře a ostaní,

pokusím se tento mail psát v kódování ISO-8859-2, takže to snad přečtou 
i win-based čitatelé.

Ten systém je skutečně velmi zajímavý, podobně, jako všechny zákrytové 
kataklyzmy. Z přesné fotometrie zákrytů lze studovat rozložení jasu v 
akrečním disku, měřením obritální periody a periody případných 
superhumpü pak ještě navíc nějaké daší parametry... Je to na delší 
psaní. Má-li někdo zájem, mohu napsat víc. Jinak má-li někdo techniku, 
doporučuji to zkusit, protože Patterson je znám tím, že výsledky rychle 
publikuje a i když se s vámi asi nebude moc bavit, rozhodně je to poučné 
- zkuste.

Díky za dobrý nápad Petře, podobné zajímavé výzvy bychom zde mohli 
uveřejňovat častěji. Budu na to pro příště myslet a když mi něco přijde, 
přepošlu to sem s komentářem.


Petr Pravec wrote:

> Mili pratele,
> Forwarduji vam mail, ktery mi poslal jeden italsky kolega, kdysi
> jsem spolu fotometrovali jednu blizkozemni planetku.  Ted to vypada,
> ze by stal o spolupraci na jedne CV.  (Rudolf asi o tom bude vedet
> vice nez ja.)  Posilam vam to pro pripad, ze byste to chteli a mohli
> pozorovat.  V Ondrejove se k tomu nejspise nedostaneme, protoze mame
> nabity program s NEAs, ledaze by nastala serie jasnych noci
> a nase cile nam dosly.  (Ale to se asi nestane.)
> Zdravim,   Petr
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 18:03:35 -0500 (EST)
> From: Stefano Giovanardi <stefano at astro....edu>
> To: ppravec at asu....cz
> Subject: photometry again
> Dear Petr,
> this is Stefano,
> how are you?
> It's a long time we don't hear from each other, and in the meantime a lot
> has changed.
> I am now doing a PhD in astronomy at COlumbia university in New York; I
> don't work on asteroids now but on Cataclismic Variables.
> Still, the experience in photometry gained at the times of Camillo was
> very useful.
> (how did that work end, by the way?)
> I have thought of you because I am about to go to Kitt Peak for an
> observing run on the CV star BH Lyn, an eclipsing system with period of
> 3.74 hours and an amplitude of about 1.5 mag.
> I will be there taking ligthcurves of the star from tomorrow (19/1) to
> 30/1. This is part of a project with Joe PAtterson in which we are trying
> to study the eclipses and also detect other periodicities superimposed
> (due to the precession of the accretion disk, etc.)
> Since we are trying to get the most continuous monitoring of the
> ligthcurve possible by coordinating with other observers at different
> longitudes (with Joe's CBA, Center for Backyard Astrophysics) I am
> wondering if you would like to join in the observing campaign!
> Given your experience in photometry of asteroids and the characteristics
> of this star it could be interesting and easy for you!
> So if you will have some time during the next 10 days (nights!)
> and you are interested in participating, we would really appreciate your
> collaboration!
> The star is of mag V=15.5 outside eclipse, and we just need differential
> photometry, possibly with a frequent sampling (short exposures of about a
> minute or less should be all right), this is especially useful during the
> eclipses, when the magnitude varies of 0.1mag/minute.
> V magnitudes would be great, but even unfiltered photometry is good.
> It would be useful to run observing sessions of a few hours (say, at least
> one entire period): it's better to have a long session even on only one
> night rather than many short sessions (1/2 hour or 1 hour) on different
> nights.
> Please let me know if you are interested, so I can send you more details
> about the observations and the star (including a finding chart with
> comparison stars).
> MEanwhile you can also find information on the CBA at the web page:
> http://cba.phys.columbia.edu/
> I hope to hear from you soon!
> best regards,
> Stefano Giovanardi
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