This directory contains two files with original measurements of atmospheric UBV extinction coefficients obtained at the Skalnate Pleso and Brno observatories in 1962-95. The material was used for the paper: Mikulasek et al., 2000, "Atmospheric extinction at the Brno and Skalnate Pleso Observatories. I. Instrumentation, observations and review of data", Contr. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, Vol. XXX, p. 89 - 98. The file Databrno contains data from the Brno Observatory, the file Dataskpl contains data from the Skalnate Pleso observatory. Format used: Time,k(V),k(B),k(U). If the extinction in one or two colors was not measured in the particular night, a value 9E+0 is adopted. Explanation: First row in the file Databrno: 6.2575E+1,9E+0,4.8E-1,9E+0 means: Time = 1962.575, k(V) = Not measured, k(B) = 0.48, k(U) = Not measured.