Illuminance plots of Tennessee_TEN-C-MRL_1_SE_100_10200_1950_E40

(as computed by ies2tab from that IES photometry file)

spacing 5 plot single luminaire plot
In the left half of the left plot, specific illuminance by a continuous row of luminaires spaced 5 heights is shown (right half is for a single luminaire). The right plot is for a single luminaire, unrotated.

illuminance scale

Values below the scale are illuminance / 1 lx. This is for (unrealistic) “unit” case that luminaires would have lamps producing 1 klm only, would be point-like and just 1 m over the terrain.

ies2tab text output:

# [TEST]      SO10S07S.LDT
# [LUMCAT]    Tennessee 
# [DATE]      06/11/2012/25/06/1998/VIARDOT
# down given: 57.24%
# out given: 77.19%
# tilt: 0
# [LAMP]      1 SE 100 10200 1950 E40
# Bulbs: 1,  10200 lm each
# Source file: Tennessee_TEN-C-MRL_1_SE_100_10200_1950_E40.ldt
# Luminaire flux =   582 raw, for the given bulb(s) it would be  5938 lm,
#                   58.2 % of the bulb flux
# between 75 and 90: 21.2 % of the luminaire flux
#  - this part causes just GLARE in case of road lighting and similar purposes
# 80deg and above:  max  71.2 cd / 1000 lm , 36.0 % of the luminaire flux
# 90deg and above:  max  63.1 cd / 1000 lm , 24.1 % of the luminaire flux
# CutOff Type: Non-CutOff     

#  Increase of Sky Luminance due to light going
#    from the luminaire difectly above horizon, as compared with the
#    luminance produced by the light dispersed from the ground: 834 %
#  Increase of Sky Luminance in Distant Places by light below 15.0 degrees
#    due to light going from the luminaire directly above horizon:4137 %
#  (for the zenith luminance such an angle suits places up to  19 km distance)
#   The increases concern the following situation:
#    Albedo = 0.10
#    Zenith Extinction = 0.30 mag (i.e., direct light remaining  76 %)
#    Indicatrix type =0 (0: acc. to P.Cinzano, 4..6: CIE sky types)
#   (the downward-scattered part of lambertian uplight is 0.1108 then)

# 62.5 deg to <67.5 deg:   max    96 cd / 1000 lm,
# 67.5 deg to < 76  deg:   max    90 cd / 1000 lm,
# maximum spec. lum. intensity    98 cd / 1000 lm

# The following table gives luminous intensities which would be produced
# using a hypothetic bulb giving a luminous flux of 1000 lm (i.e., cd/klm):

#  H:   0.0  15.0  30.0  45.0  60.0  75.0  90.0 105.0 120.0 135.0 150.0 165.0 180.0 195.0 210.0 225.0 240.0 255.0 270.0 285.0 300.0 315.0 330.0 345.0
  0.0   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9
  2.5   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9
  5.0   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9   1.9
  7.5   6.3   6.4   6.4   6.5   6.5   6.7   7.8   6.7   6.5   6.5   6.4   6.4   6.3   6.1   6.0   5.9   5.6   5.4   4.5   5.4   5.6   5.9   6.0   6.1
 10.0  10.6  11.0  10.9  11.2  11.1  11.5  13.7  11.5  11.1  11.2  10.9  11.0  10.6  10.3  10.1   9.9   9.4   9.0   7.1   9.0   9.4   9.9  10.1  10.3
 12.5  19.5  19.6  19.0  19.2  19.2  19.9  21.8  19.9  19.2  19.2  19.0  19.6  19.5  18.9  18.0  17.6  17.5  18.0  16.9  18.0  17.5  17.6  18.0  18.9
 15.0  28.4  28.2  27.2  27.2  27.3  28.2  29.8  28.2  27.3  27.2  27.2  28.2  28.4  27.5  25.8  25.4  25.6  26.9  26.6  26.9  25.6  25.4  25.8  27.5
 17.5  33.0  32.5  31.7  31.7  32.1  32.8  34.3  32.8  32.1  31.7  31.7  32.5  33.0  32.2  30.7  30.1  30.7  32.0  31.8  32.0  30.7  30.1  30.7  32.2
 20.0  37.5  36.8  36.2  36.2  36.9  37.5  38.8  37.5  36.9  36.2  36.2  36.8  37.5  36.9  35.6  34.8  35.8  37.0  37.0  37.0  35.8  34.8  35.6  36.9
 22.5  40.3  39.9  39.3  38.8  39.7  40.2  41.4  40.2  39.7  38.8  39.3  39.9  40.3  39.2  38.1  37.5  38.9  39.9  40.2  39.9  38.9  37.5  38.1  39.2
 25.0  43.0  43.1  42.3  41.5  42.5  42.9  44.1  42.9  42.5  41.5  42.3  43.1  43.0  41.5  40.6  40.2  42.1  42.8  43.4  42.8  42.1  40.2  40.6  41.5
 27.5  44.8  45.8  45.2  44.7  45.5  45.7  45.8  45.7  45.5  44.7  45.2  45.8  44.8  44.3  43.4  42.8  44.4  45.5  45.6  45.5  44.4  42.8  43.4  44.3
 30.0  46.6  48.6  48.0  47.8  48.6  48.4  47.5  48.4  48.6  47.8  48.0  48.6  46.6  47.0  46.2  45.5  46.8  48.2  47.7  48.2  46.8  45.5  46.2  47.0
 32.5  49.6  51.8  52.6  53.4  53.9  53.0  51.8  53.0  53.9  53.4  52.6  51.8  49.6  50.8  51.0  50.5  51.0  51.5  50.3  51.5  51.0  50.5  51.0  50.8
 35.0  52.6  55.1  57.2  59.0  59.3  57.5  56.1  57.5  59.3  59.0  57.2  55.1  52.6  54.7  55.8  55.4  55.3  54.7  52.9  54.7  55.3  55.4  55.8  54.7
 37.5  58.7  59.4  63.3  65.9  65.6  62.6  62.8  62.6  65.6  65.9  63.3  59.4  58.7  59.6  62.3  62.0  60.8  58.6  58.0  58.6  60.8  62.0  62.3  59.6
 40.0  64.8  63.8  69.3  72.9  71.8  67.7  69.4  67.7  71.8  72.9  69.3  63.8  64.8  64.5  68.8  68.6  66.3  62.4  63.0  62.4  66.3  68.6  68.8  64.5
 42.5  70.7  69.1  74.9  78.4  77.2  73.3  74.1  73.3  77.2  78.4  74.9  69.1  70.7  70.9  74.4  74.6  72.1  68.0  68.1  68.0  72.1  74.6  74.4  70.9
 45.0  76.5  74.4  80.4  83.9  82.6  79.0  78.7  79.0  82.6  83.9  80.4  74.4  76.5  77.4  80.1  80.7  77.9  73.6  73.2  73.6  77.9  80.7  80.1  77.4
 47.5  81.3  79.4  82.9  86.3  85.6  83.0  82.8  83.0  85.6  86.3  82.9  79.4  81.3  82.7  84.3  84.6  82.1  79.1  78.4  79.1  82.1  84.6  84.3  82.7
 50.0  86.1  84.4  85.4  88.7  88.6  87.0  87.0  87.0  88.6  88.7  85.4  84.4  86.1  88.0  88.4  88.5  86.2  84.6  83.6  84.6  86.2  88.5  88.4  88.0
 52.5  88.7  87.8  87.5  89.3  90.7  90.3  88.1  90.3  90.7  89.3  87.5  87.8  88.7  92.7  92.4  90.7  89.4  88.8  87.0  88.8  89.4  90.7  92.4  92.7
 55.0  91.3  91.2  89.6  90.0  92.8  93.5  89.1  93.5  92.8  90.0  89.6  91.2  91.3  97.4  96.3  92.9  92.6  92.9  90.4  92.9  92.6  92.9  96.3  97.4
 57.5  93.3  91.1  89.4  88.3  91.9  92.2  89.8  92.2  91.9  88.3  89.4  91.1  93.3  97.9  96.4  92.0  93.4  94.0  92.7  94.0  93.4  92.0  96.4  97.9
 60.0  95.2  90.9  89.2  86.5  90.9  90.9  90.4  90.9  90.9  86.5  89.2  90.9  95.2  98.4  96.6  91.1  94.3  95.1  94.9  95.1  94.3  91.1  96.6  98.4
 62.5  94.1  89.8  87.5  84.6  89.1  89.4  89.2  89.4  89.1  84.6  87.5  89.8  94.1  95.6  94.2  88.1  93.0  93.5  93.9  93.5  93.0  88.1  94.2  95.6
 65.0  92.9  88.6  85.8  82.7  87.2  88.0  88.0  88.0  87.2  82.7  85.8  88.6  92.9  92.8  91.8  85.2  91.7  91.9  93.0  91.9  91.7  85.2  91.8  92.8
 67.5  89.4  84.8  82.6  79.8  83.7  84.2  85.5  84.2  83.7  79.8  82.6  84.8  89.4  87.9  87.2  82.5  87.9  89.0  90.4  89.0  87.9  82.5  87.2  87.9
 70.0  85.9  81.1  79.4  76.8  80.2  80.3  83.0  80.3  80.2  76.8  79.4  81.1  85.9  83.0  82.6  79.8  84.2  86.1  87.9  86.1  84.2  79.8  82.6  83.0
 72.5  81.1  76.6  75.4  73.9  77.0  77.2  79.1  77.2  77.0  73.9  75.4  76.6  81.1  78.9  78.6  76.7  79.8  81.3  83.1  81.3  79.8  76.7  78.6  78.9
 75.0  76.2  72.2  71.5  71.0  73.8  74.0  75.2  74.0  73.8  71.0  71.5  72.2  76.2  74.8  74.6  73.6  75.4  76.4  78.2  76.4  75.4  73.6  74.6  74.8
 77.5  72.6  69.0  68.6  69.0  71.2  71.3  72.1  71.3  71.2  69.0  68.6  69.0  72.6  72.8  72.9  72.0  72.6  73.2  74.4  73.2  72.6  72.0  72.9  72.8
 80.0  69.0  65.8  65.7  67.0  68.6  68.7  69.0  68.7  68.6  67.0  65.7  65.8  69.0  70.7  71.2  70.4  69.8  69.9  70.6  69.9  69.8  70.4  71.2  70.7
 82.5  66.6  62.7  62.5  64.3  65.6  65.7  66.5  65.7  65.6  64.3  62.5  62.7  66.6  68.5  69.3  68.7  67.4  66.7  67.5  66.7  67.4  68.7  69.3  68.5
 85.0  64.1  59.5  59.4  61.5  62.5  62.7  64.0  62.7  62.5  61.5  59.4  59.5  64.1  66.3  67.5  67.0  65.1  63.5  64.4  63.5  65.1  67.0  67.5  66.3
 87.5  61.4  56.3  56.8  58.7  60.0  59.7  61.1  59.7  60.0  58.7  56.8  56.3  61.4  63.4  65.1  65.1  62.9  60.8  62.1  60.8  62.9  65.1  65.1  63.4
 90.0  58.7  53.2  54.2  55.8  57.6  56.6  58.2  56.6  57.6  55.8  54.2  53.2  58.7  60.5  62.6  63.1  60.7  58.2  59.7  58.2  60.7  63.1  62.6  60.5
135.0  58.7  53.2  54.2  55.8  57.6  56.6  58.2  56.6  57.6  55.8  54.2  53.2  58.7  60.5  62.6  63.1  60.7  58.2  59.7  58.2  60.7  63.1  62.6  60.5
180.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0