Illuminance plot and photometry table for a luminaire

Photometry file (*.ies, *.ldt, *.eld) URL:

   or change Parameters:
name='continuous' value='True'> assume a row of luminaires spaced:  heights
name='scale' value='True'> include a scale on the right margin
rotate plot: degrees (clockwise as +)
luminaire at height of  m (set the lamp flux as  lm)
Image height (pixels - 1)
name='summary' value='True'> start with summary results
  name='sumExpl' value='True'> incl. explanation on pollution by rays between 90 and 105 degrees
save parameters    name='mydefault' value='True'> use my saved settings

Another parameters can be given at command line (ev. name='override' value='True'> overriding all previous data):

(see ev. their overview).   

Summary results" ; echo "

 if (!$sumExpl)
  { echo '
#FiOut 75-90 >= 80degrees    >= 90degrees      CutOff?        filename
#  %    %    cd/klm % Out  cd/klm % Out % I.D.L.P.
' ; }  
 echo system(EscapeShellCmd("/home/jhollan/bin/".$paraSum)) ;
 echo "

" ; } system(EscapeShellCmd("/home/jhollan/bin/".$para)) ; echo '

Detailed results

of the programme ies2tab run from a script with a command line:
' ;
  echo EscapeShellCmd($para) ; 
  echo '
' ; } else { echo '

No file name given, showing results from a previous run:

'; } echo '

illuminance plot Go to a readable photometry table
See the directory including the data in the other format
illuminance scale

Values below the scale are illuminance / 1 lx. Default (unrealistic) “unit” case is for luminaire being point-like, just 1 m over the terrain and containing a lamp producing exactly 1 klm. A realistic height can be given as a parameter, then the lamp flux given in the photometric file is used, if not overriden by a parameter.

If a continuous row of luminaires is computed, the result is shown at the left side. At the right side, illuminance produced by a single luminaire remains. Default spacing of luminaires is five pole heights. White marks are spaced one pole height, marks on axes are five times denser (0.2 height). ' ?>