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[strawbale] does anyone know .... ?

Hello everybody,

I have a quick request: does anyone have an email address or phone number
for John Burrows? He sent a message to the list about three months ago
saying he was going to South Africa to work on a big rural strawbale
project for farmworkers there, but I can't get a reply from either of the
email addresses he gave.

So if anyone knows new contact details for him I would be very happy as
I'm hoping to go off to South Africa in July or August.

Also, if anyone knows of anything exciting happening there (or in
Southern Africa in general) I'd be very happy to hear about it (I've
already heard about Amelia's "strawphanage"). It doesn't have to be
strictly strawbale, any kind of permaculture, eco-projects, etc...

Enjoy the gathering in Austria!


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