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Mbol = 0

> In Kyoto, Commissions 25 and 36 of the IAU have approved the following
> definition of Mbol =0
> It is the bolometric magnitude of a star radiating

> L=3.055x10^28 W

Dear Dr. Cayrel, 

encouraged by Petr Harmanec, who said me you are the author of that
marvelous standardization of Mbol=0 and of the nominal Sun, I dare to ask
you once more:

  Please, could you give me a hint, where that standardization 
approved in (August 1997 Assemby in) Kyoto has been (or will be) 
published? If it is just in the proceedings: 

       Proceedings of the Twenty-Third General Assembly
       Kyoto, Japan
       August 18 - 30, 1997
       Ed. J. Andersen
       Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, ISBN 0-7923-5588-1, 1999

a would appreciate a page number (there is no copy in Czechia).

Of course, an www-accessible reference would be much better. I am much in
favour to include it into http://www.iau.org/units.html at least.

Thanks to the value you have sent me in March, my colleague Zdenek
Mikulasek has been able to ground his new textbook on stelar astrophysics
on a solid fundament. However updating a Czech standard on photometric
terminology, I hesitate to give just a "private communication" reference. 

I have asked Christian Sterken already, where the resolution have been
published, but he is in USA now and cannot find the reference.  

Yours sincerely

                                Jan Hollan
              N. Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno
KravĂ­ hora 2, CZ - 616 00 Brno                        +420 (5) 41 32 12 87

Lipová 19, 602 00 Brno                                         43 23 90 96

e-mail: hollan@ped....cz             http://astro.sci.muni.cz/pub/hollan