
If the unit is one magnitude, it applies to a star of that faintness, covering (defocused) a solid angle of:

save settings    name='mydefault' value='True'> use my saved settings

Another option is to use your own command line (ev. name='override' value='True'> overriding all previous data):

(`?' gives help).

 echo system(EscapeShellCmd("/home/jhollan/bin/".$para) .
  "| sed 's/>/\>\;/g ; s/

"; echo '

The result you got from the programme lum (available as a part of a package (1.2 MB) -- the needed unit str_num.pas is unzipped within this directory, the whole tree of my programmes within this directory) with a command line:
' ;
  echo EscapeShellCmd($para)  ;
  echo "
" ; # saving the settings: if ($save) { foreach ($varsS as $v) { if ($$v!=="") { setcookie("c$v", $$v, time()+3E7); } } } ?>

For more info on the queer units in astronomy, see in Czech mainly this paper, in English just a short explanation here (in both cases, the html versions may be not really OK).

For more info on units etc. in general, see The National Institute of Standards and Technology Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty: