This is a page made from the google's cache from Dec 20. The original page did not change since that, most probably, just the list of petition signers has grown. The possiblility to sign the petition online is not reproduced here, to access it, the, original page is to be working again.

The International Dark-Sky Association has released the first public draft of their proposed model lighting ordinance. This web site and accompanying petition encourages you to tell the IDA that you do not support this document and the approach it proposes to reduce light pollution. (more information)

TO: Board of Directors, International Dark-Sky Association
       Model Lighting Ordinance Review Panel

We understand that a number of IDA members have expressed concern with both the form and the content of the current draft Model Lighting Ordinance (v2004.1). We share their concern and are signing this petition in order to let you know what we expect and need in a model ordinance bearing the IDA imprimatur.

  • We believe that a model ordinance should be written for the people who will use it rather than for "lighting professionals." Such a model can be written in plain English and still be "technically correct."
  • We believe a model ordinance intended to curtail light pollution should be based on lumens and/or footcandles (not on watts, which measure energy consumption).
  • We believe a model ordinance should contain specific language limiting light trespass.
  • Since streetlighting is a major contributor to light pollution, we believe the model should incorporate guidance for streetlighting, including identifying circumstances in which such lighting is warranted. Even though some communities handle it in a separate document, we believe the model should cover all municipal lighting.
  • For the communities that wish to do so, we believe a model ordinance should also include guidance for phasing out existing lighting that creates trespass or glare.
  • We look to IDA to be in the vanguard of the battle against light pollution, and we believe that any model ordinance released by IDA should "preserve and protect the nighttime environment" to the greatest extent possible.

We are convinced that the points noted above must be addressed if the IDA model is to be of any use to communities endeavoring to bring light pollution under control.

(here should be the form for signing the petition online. For that, you have to try if the original site,, works again. Otherwise, try sending an email.